The DOB slapped a Stop Work Order on the Shepard Fairey mural on Houston and the Bowery... As AnimalNY noted, there are two options: obtain the proper permits for the "small building" or tear it down.
Here's a shot of the structure on the corner before Fairey's work went up...
Anyway, as an AnimalNY commenter commented..."its funny, that means no repairs to any damage like holes or torn off panels the guy who tossed bricks at it should go back, stop work order means no repairs under threat of criminal charges. you can only do emergency work if there is danger and with approval from the DOB."
So will the mural be vandalized again in the short term?
building without the punk rock
who's the cupcake tagger? i've been noticing his marks everywhere lately.
smells like some real BS. i wonder who or what is behind it
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