The Feed noted the other day, NYC Icy is making a return to the East Village ... after Avenue B between Second and Third Streets a few years back.... team Icy is opening up a temp space on Avenue A next to Black Market.... and, as this
photo by EV Grieve reader Steven Matthews shows... NYC Icy opened yesterday...

And they have a
chocolate-bacon flavor. Urp.
I love these people and their ices. Super nice, and do a lot of animal rescue work as well.
I love your headlines!
That kid's awfully young to be throwing up gang signs. What's become of this city?
That kid doesn't know what he's doing, I promise you. To him it's just "cool" (believe me, he's mine ;)
NYC Icy @AveB had AMAZING spicy chocolate icy - been missing it for years - Glad they're back!
About 6 years ago, I went with a friend to the walk-up window at the NYC ICY on Ave B at around 3AM. The guy in front of us was obviously VERY drunk and trying to figure out what to order, when the man working the window got fed up and pulled out a MACHETE and started swinging it at the guy, and yelling at him to leave. I guess that's one way to deal with a drunk frat guy!
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