Friday, February 2, 2024

Music venue wanted for former Rockwood Music Hall 2 space on the Lower East Side

A recent arrival on the rental market: 192 Allen St. between Houston and Stanton, the former home of the Rockwood Music Hall 2 space. 

The listing (PDF here) via Gavios Realty Group shows an interest in keeping the space as a music venue...
The listing also notes that the 1,500-square-foot space includes high-end sound equipment, a stage and professional lighting. No word on the asking rent. 

Rockwood Music Hall, facing financial challenges, announced in November that the venue was "getting back to basics" and closing its Stage 2 space. Stage 1 remains in use for live music as it has for nearly 20 years. 

Stage 2 opened in 2010 and was the larger space with a 175-person capacity. (Stage 1 holds 50 people.)


Anonymous said...

Good luck, those guys should of never opened #2 and just kept the original the way it was.

Anonymous said...

It's a great place to play. Sound is good. looks great. Has 'history'. Do it combined and keep stage 3 for a real party. or is that already a headshop by now?

yetanothercommenter said...

Do the economics of live music make sense in the current neighborhood? People in general don't drink as much as they used to. The crowd around here that power drinks seems mostly weekender yuppies (do we still use that word?) and subculture beyond money, crypto and da game isn't part of their social scene.

The teen and twenty something bands I know generally play house parties in Brooklyn / Queens (must have interesting neighbors). There are already good options for out of town acts with a profile.

Support live music! Baker Falls is fantastic.

rock star emerita said...

Live music for everyone / including weekend yuppies / plenty of things to do at a show besides drink / support live music for everyone

Anonymous said...

Yeah good luck
Baby’s all right and co. tried to open a jazz bar /record bar and CB3 came at them like a pack Of hyenas.

Nick Bodor said...

Thanks for the kind words regarding Baker Falls in 2024...we did it! Just seeing this now, so wild we pulled it off

Nick Bodor said...

We did it