Which leaves the Houston (also rumored to be closing) and Eighth Avenue locations to do you Blockbustering... (and the one on Broadway and 10th Street closed then?)
Or maybe you can just you the Blockbuster machine at Duane Reade on 14th Street near First Avenue...
According to news reports last week, Blockbuster may file for bankruptcy protection -- seems they've been taking a beating from Netflix, for one, and other online video venues.
The writing's been on the wall for a long time...........
No great loss....that leaves the door further open for local indie video stores that deserve our business, vs yet another national chain.
Aside from having the crappiest selection of movies, Blockbuster is notorious for CENSORING some of the videos they rent out!! I recently was turned on to insane film called SPUN rented from Blockbuster and couldn't believe that some naughty words were bleeped out and that a fully naked woman's pubic hair was blurred!!
Like I said, no great loss....
Maybe the former Blockbuster spaces will be sub-divided into affordable commercial rentals. That would not be a bad thing....
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