According to the Brown Harris Stevens listing:
Fabulous Townhouse Triplex in Prime East Village. This home offers three bedrooms and two baths, double height ceilings, huge terrace and balcony and three fireplaces. Renovated baths, wonderful light and detail with glass greenhouse atrium, exposed brick and wood beams. Wonderful space for entertaining! Available for rent immediate occupancy. Must see!
Awesome! I'll be there in 10 minutes with my duffel bag!

Oh! Details! The rent: $15,000 per month.
If this is in your price range, then feel free to stop by for the open house next Monday at 5-6:30 p.m.
Will there be refreshments at the open house? Grilled cheese sandwiches are just a phone call away!
Wow. That kitchen is enough to convince me.
Plus, it's close to Mars Bar! (Well, close enough...)
Believe it or not- this house was renovated and looked exactly the same in the '80's when 3rd Street was an open crack market and the men's shelter was a prison drop-off. The initial owner/renovators owned a travel agency which also operated from the ground floor- and were extremely active in community affairs. They played a big part in turning the shelter around. So...not all nice houses have bad "back stories".
Wasn't that the building that kicked out all the rent controlled tenants by claiming they were building 1 family townhouse (the only way they could get the courts on their side?) I can't tell by the photo but I am almost certain thats the building....
Thanks for the background, anon.
Thanks for the comment, And How was your Day?
Ah — that's the Economakis house, which is at 47 E. E. Third St.
the building that was completely emptied was on east 4th street, i believe between 1 & a.
i didn't realize this was the same house as the travel agency. it was beautiful then and now, and the garden was pretty swell too.
but $15,000 a month, wow! the folks on 3rd street split up and moved long before the shelter was turned into (what, at that time we called) a fully serviced, self contained facility, as opposed to a processing center for over 1,000 homeless men. it was a horrible place.
prisoners were sent to the salvation army halfway house on 3rd & bowery. remember john abbott (spelling?) the writer in prison that norman mailer got released and when he came out he murdered a local young man from the bini bon. the SA was then turned into a youth facility. never well run. long story.
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