Meanwhile, seven or so months later, EV Grieve Willow Tree Correspondents Bobby Williams and Dave on 7th have noted that the tree is looking healthy again.
Not quite back to as it was before, but on the way, perhaps.
Previously on EV Grieve:
The willow trees of Loisaida
11th Street condo owners want to chop down this willow tree
Beautiful once again. As I mentioned, I met tree inspectors in the EV about a week ago. They were climbing the trees and inspecting them to see if they were healthy. They told me it is cheaper for New York to have trees than not. They were cute and extremely fit--affixing a harness and ready to climb.
The tree is healthier than it was before. It will live longer than it would have before, and it will not drop any more large limbs onto the sidewalk as it did before. The fact is that willows need to be pruned back to a pollard in order to remain viable and healthy - many of the huge willows in the area are actually in dire need of attention. This tree was lucky - or someone was good enough to look out for it and not let it become either sick or a hazard.
Nice to have some GOOD news in the neighborhood!
I'm happy it's living, but now it really looks like something that the Lorax would be sitting under.
I have to say, I have learned more about willows than I ever knew since that butchered blog post.
May I say I told you so?
Oh, wait...
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