Early last month, the arrival of three AC units adjacent to the incoming 7-Eleven at 500 E. 11th St. (aka 170 Avenue A) prompted the city to serve a partial Stop Work Order. The units, installed an estimated 14 inches from residential windows, "shake the back of the neighboring building," according to the DOB.
Yesterday, the No 7-Eleven blog reported that the city served another Stop Work Order on the site, this time for blocking fire escapes.

As far as we know, this is the second time the site was hit with a Stop Work Order for blocking exits... on Sept. 21, 2012, the city served a Stop Work Order for "BLDG CONSTRUCTION WORK BLOCKING SECONDARY MEANS OF EXIT."
Despite the Stop Work Order, residents saw the workers continue to go about their business yesterday.
Construction of the convenience store is now in its 13th month.
Previously on EV Grieve:
3 new AC units at incoming 7-Eleven prompts Partial Stop Work Order
A Stop Work order at Avenue A's incoming 7-Eleven
7-Eleven alert: Are 2 chain stores replacing Bar on A and Angels & Kings?
I used to live in this building, 500 East 11th, and when I moved in Angels and Kings as well as Bar on A were still open for business. Granted they were always empty, which is why they closed shop, but these corner was lovely to live on. Over the past 18 months appears like its turn real bad. Just as the wood went up around for the 7/11, they wanted to raise my rent to live in this construction site. Unfortunately it fell on deaf ears and they scammed some other NYC noob to pay the rent. With 1% vacancy rate in Manhattan, the renter has zero leverage so its either pay up or next person in line. Sad but true.
I'm glad there's a Stop Work order because of the blocked fire exit but dang, workers are still working??? I hope the residents are calling DOB/311 every day, every hour the workers are there. Criminal! Insane!
Oh, but 7-11 CARES about the neighborhood! They TOLD us so!
The neighborhood is currently under-served with Stop Work Orders.
Someone working on the 7-11 said it was Westminster racking up these violations and not 7-11.
It's a TCO so they are allowed to work inside.
The photo shows the man working outside, not inside.
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