The gut renovation of the space that previously housed Bar on A and Angels & Kings has entered the 11th month... workers are fitting the address here on Avenue A and East 11th Street for a 7-Eleven, of course...
A quick check yesterday shows that the work is expected to be completed by July 31, 2013, aka yesterday.

At this rate, the crew will have the place ready by July 31, 2014.
However, this photo that Bobby Williams took on Tuesday shows some slight progress...
The 7-Eleven franchise website still shows that the store will be ready for Go-Go Taquitos® action in October. This location is still without an owner.
Are they building a shitty convenience store or Rome? Or modifying to include a human smuggling underground railroad?
Kushner's folly? Nobody wants this 7-11, dude. Try again.
And is that "Thank you for your patience"? Or "Thank you for your pee"? Both would seem to apply.
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