Saturday, March 14, 2020

Report of a fire yesterday at 138 1st Ave.

Early yesterday morning, the FDNY responded to a report of a fire at 138 First Ave. between St. Mark's Place and Ninth Street...

EVG reader Linda, who shared the top photo taken yesterday afternoon, noted that the FDNY arrived around 5:40 a.m.
"There were no flames and really no apparent smoke. But they spent 45 minutes on the roof via two hook & ladders," she said.

One building source said that it was an electrical fire, starting in the courtyard area in the rear of the building.

As of last night, East Village Wines, the retail tenant, was back open with some temporary lighting and a smokey aroma.

[Photo yesterday by Steven]

No word on the tenants. As you can see, windows on the upper floors have been boarded up...

[Photo today by Steven]

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