Monday, April 1, 2013

What's next for the now-former Bar 82 space on Second Avenue

As we first reported on March 22, Bar 82 was shutting down at the end of the month ... We never did hear any official word why the neighborhood spot on Second Avenue near St. Mark's Place was closing...

Last night was the bar's grand finale ... Meanwhile, a tipster hears that the landlord does not want another bar or restaurant in the space... and is looking for "dry goods" as the basis for a new tenant.

Per the tipster: "So, Duane Reade? Chase? We could use a Chase on this block ..."

ABC Animal Hospital makes move to Avenue A

Last Thursday, ABC Animal Hospital on East 14th Street began the move to its new home at 200 Avenue A (the former Superdive!).

Per the signs out front....

And here's their message online:

Our new space is still under construction, but our pharmacy and store for food purchases will continue to operate in the basement of our new space. We expect to start seeing appointments as usual by April 16th. If you need assistance after Wednesday March 27th we can still provide basic treatments in our new space, can provide advice over the phone, or will refer you to another veterinarian.

Please excuse our appearance at the new location as we work towards building a beautiful space for you and your pets.

Thank you all for your patience and continued support.

Dr. Tufaro and staff,
ABC Animal Hospital

200 Ave A, Ground floor and basement
NY, NY, 10009
(212) 358 0785

The hospital is one of the many businesses on East 14th Street between Avenue A and Avenue B to either relocate or close. As we first reported in December, eight parcels consisting of 222 Avenue A and 504 - 530 E. 14th St. were leased for a 99-year period for some yet-unspecified project.

Previously on EV Grieve:
East 14th Street exodus continues

Anthology Film Archives becoming the 27th Precinct — for the 'Ironside' TV pilot

EVG reader Marjorie Ingall notes that crews will be in the neighborhood today filming part of the pilot for an "Ironside" remake with Blair Underwood in the Raymond Burr role ... as the police detective in a wheelchair...

(Side note: Don't fuck with "Ironside"!)

Apparently the show will be set in NYC and not San Francisco like the original... as part of the shoot, the exterior of the great Anthology Film Archives on Second Avenue and East Second Street will be transformed into "the 27th Precinct," according to one of the crew members...

Lordy, this all sounds so April Fool's Dayish. It is not.

Anyway, here's the show's opening credits ... from 1967...

[Updated] Reader report: biscuits and jams for former Habibi Lounge space on Avenue A

[First, I assure you that this is not an April Fool's gag...] Reliable sources tell us that the former Habibi Lounge space on Avenue A near East 12th Street .. will soon be home to a ... 24-hour biscuits-and-jams place. (Possibly English or Scottish?) And no liquor license.

We just heard from the folks at Empire Biscuit, which is what the space will be called.

"Just wanted to let you know that we'll be serving Southern-style biscuits and biscuit sandwiches 24/7 beginning (hopefully) early this summer. We will not be serving the Scottish cookie. (It's an honest mistake. Enough people have been misdirected by our name that we might find a recipe and bang out a batch of Empire Biscuits now and then.) It's true that we will not be serving alcohol."

Updated 3:30
DNAinfo posted a piece with the Empire Biscuit crew this afternoon... noting that the owners, Yonadav Tsuna, 22, and Jonathan Price, 33, met in 2009 while working as waiters at Bouley in Tribeca.

Previously on EV Grieve:
'No bar/restaurant' for former Habibi Lounge space

Under the Williamsburg Bridge: Bloomberg's robot army or bike-share docking stations?

Oh, it's a photo of the docking stations for the city's bike-share program... stored for now under the Williamsburg Bridge before hitting the streets this spring ... The photo is from Saturday night via @finitor, who really wanted these to be Bloomberg's secret robot army.

Meanwhile, the photo reminded @lehrblogger of a scene from a movie ...

Previously on EV Grieve:
Here are your East Village bike share locations, probably

Report: Citi Bike share back on track for a May debut, probably definitely

The East Village is in the 1st rollout phase of the bike-share program this May, probably for sure

Breaking! (Sort of!): Here come the bike-share docking stations

First sign of Wafels & Dinges on Avenue B

As we've been reporting, Wafels & Dinges is opening its first café based on the same concept as the popular food trucks in circulation around the city .... here on Avenue B and East Second Street... as you can see in the photo, there's a bit of a teaser up on the windows: "The dinges are coming."

W&D founder Thomas DeGeest, an East Village resident, told us back in January that the store was "progressing at turtle speed" and he was eyeing a spring opening date.

He also noted that it "will be as much a good coffee place as a waffle and ice cream place."

Previously on EV Grieve:
Is Wafels & Dinges opening a café on Second Street and Avenue B?

Wafels & Dinges hoping for a spring opening on Avenue B

Welcome to the neighborhood, Papaya King!

Coming very soon to St. Mark's Place near Third Avenue... where the plywood came down last week...

Previously on EV Grieve:
Papaya King coming to St. Mark's Place

This is the line to get into Wylie Dufresne's new restaurant Alder on Saturday

As you may have heard, noted LES chef Wylie Dufresne opened a new restaurant last Thursday called Alder on Second Avenue near East 10th Street.

Apparently it is popular.

@davidsokol passed along the above photo late Saturday afternoon... showing a line forming before the doors opened at 6. (Per the Alder website, the 56-seat restaurant does not accept reservations.)

In an opening preview last week in the Times, Florence Fabricant noted that Alder, "a complement to WD-50," serves "inventive twists on classics."

Such as!

The rye pasta includes pastrami, so with mustard sauce and pickles you have a homage to the pastrami on rye at the Second Avenue Deli, which used to be across the street.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Wylie Dufresne bringing fancy cocktails for foodies

Sunday, March 31, 2013

On this date in 1974 Television played its first show at CBGB

Finished Richard Hell's memoir, "I Dreamed I Was A Very Clean Tramp," the other day... Recalled from the book that Television held the first of its "intitial venue-establishing series of consecutive Sundays at CBGB" on March 31, 1974.

(Side note: The Times reviewed the book today...)

Always dislike these audio-only videos... but this will do...


Easter in Tompkins Square Park

Some sort of Easter egg hunt... Photos by Bobby Williams.

Evening tweets noted

Week in Grieview

[Earlier this week on East 11th Street]

Remembering the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire (Monday)

Outrage over proposal to take over the green space at Meltzer Tower (Monday, 35 comments)

A Subway opening in the old Ben & Jerry's space (Wednesday)

Noise complaints from neighbor KOs Bush Tetras show at the Slipper Room (Saturday)

A proposal to curb the East Village crusty population (Friday, 38 comments)

Gruppo opens in new home on Avenue B (Monday)

The case against Soho House on Ludlow (Tuesday, 33 comments)

Chloë Sevigny finds a buyer for her East 10th Street home (Tuesday)

Team from Dutch Kills proposing to take over former Mercadito Cantina space on Avenue B (Wednesday)

The first CBGB movie poster (Thursday)

The ol' broken bottle routine returns (Friday)

Meet Lucille Krasne, designer, Argentine Tango dance organizer (Wednesday)

The bike-share program will happen here in May (Thursday)

Avenue A 7-Eleven construction update (Thursday)

Lots of interesting items on April's CB3/SLA docket (Wednesday)

NYU is out of order? (Wednesday)

And Animal NY has an excellent post on the work of Jean-Michel Basquiat’s that his friend Alexis Adler has in her East 12th Street apartment... read that here ... and watch this video...

Birdbath Neighborhood Green Bakery closes on First Avenue

Well. This morning, EVG reader @david_fitz sent along the above photo, showing a "for rent" sign on the Birdbath Bakery location on First Avenue between East 13th Street and East 14th Street... everything was cleared out yesterday, he noted.

The eco-friendly Birdbath Neighborhood Green Bakery is the little sister of City Bakery, as they put it on their website.

They had five locations, including the one that opened in May 2011 on Third Avenue and East Ninth Street.

Anyway, can we blame the new Starbucks on First Avenue and East 13th Street for his closure?

Scenes from Easter in the East Village

East Second Street between Avenue B and Avenue C...

Celebrating the resurrection of JoBear la Stuffing?

Courtesy of Denis from 2nd Street.

Previously on EV Grieve:
A brief history of humiliating Teddy bears in the East Village

Avenue C, 9:12 a.m., Easter Sunday

Loisaida Primavera in Tompkins Square Park

Filmed yesterday by Peter Shapiro.

One of those nights

Pants of shame, discovered in the lobby of a building on Avenue A. By Shawn Chittle.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Free birds

Photo by Bobby Williams.


First Avenue and St. Mark's Place this afternoon. Perfect.

Photo by Bobby Williams.

This bird just crashed into Benny's Burritos and died

This bird just nose bombed into Benny's Burritos on Avenue A at East Sixth ... and, sadly, died. The photo is via EVG FB friend Drew Rabbitclub... We don't know too much about birds... Rather an unusual-looking one. Anyone know what kind of bird this is? (Aside from a dead bird, yes.)

[Updated] Noise complaints shut down Bush Tetras show at the Slipper Room

NYC post-punk legends Bush Tetras were booked for a two-night gig at the revamped Slipper Room on Orchard Street this weekend.

However, an EVG Facebook friend passed along word that last night's show was interrupted twice by the NYPD due to apparent noise complaints from a nearby resident. As a result, tonight's show has been cancelled.

Here's what the band had to say on its Facebook page from last night:

PLEASE NOTE THAT THE SATURDAY NIGHT GIG AT SLIPPER ROOM WAS CANCELED DUE TO NOISE VIOLATIONS TONIGHT. REFUNDS PROVIDED FOR ADVANCE TIX. SO SORRY EVERYONE. IT IS DEFINITELY BEYOND OUR CONTROL. Thanks to those who came tonight. It was fun to play with Cindy, even with the two interruptions to stop by the club and police threatening with violations!

We're tracking down more information on what happened...

Updated: Exchanged messages on Facebook with Cynthia Sley of the Bush Tetras... She said that there are "irate neighbors who have a grudge" and call the NYPD regularly about the Slipper Room. "We were not that loud but they gave the club a huge citation," she said. "Unbelievable that you can get a violation at 8 on a Friday night on Orchard St."

Meanwhile, the band's classic "Too Many Creeps" seems appropriate...

Finally, an appropriate East Village party bus!

Late yesterday afternoon... headline and photo via Goggla...

Morning tweets

Follow along at Twitter here. Don't cost nothing. Just your soul.

Friday, March 29, 2013

That Spring feeling in Tompkins Square Park today

Photos by Bobby Williams.

Never say Never

The Jesus and Mary Chain with "Never Understand" circa 1985.

More Good Friday scenes from the East Village

EVG contributor Stacie Joy shares photos from one of today's "Way of the Cross" processions ... on Avenue B and turning east on East Fourth Street...

A Good Friday afternoon

Today is Good Friday, "a religious holiday observed primarily by Christians commemorating the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and his death at Calvary." (Because someone always asks.) And some area worshipers took to the streets for the "Way of the Cross" procession, as these photos by Barbara L. Hanson show...

...the procession includes a little flogging...

... it was busy on East Houston and Avenue B... as the procession from two different churches intersected here...

Your quick moon recap

Last night!

[By Bobby Williams]

Early this morning!

All is well. Mostly.

Breaking! (Sort of!): Here come the bike-share docking stations

EVG reader Rob notes the arrival this morning of more self-service docking stations for the city's bike-share program... stored for now under the Williamsburg Bridge...

...they'll be coming soon to a sidewalk near you...

Previously on EV Grieve:
Here are your East Village bike share locations, probably

Report: Citi Bike share back on track for a May debut, probably definitely

The East Village is in the 1st rollout phase of the bike-share program this May, probably for sure

East Village grifter alert: Beware the broken vodka-bottle scam!

A heads up from a reader:

at 8:30am today i was walking down ave A ... someone passed me and a plastic bag brushed against my leg.

the bag fell to the ground and revealed a broken bottle of grey goose.

the owner of the bag, who seamed a bit down on his luck and possibly homeless, made a stink about how i broke his grey goose. he was not being aggressive but certainly upset.

Ah, yes! Then the man will produce a receipt showing that the vodka cost $60, etc.

I saw this happen a few weekends ago on St. Mark's Place. The passerby simply kept walking, paying no attention to the demands of the man holding the bag. He followed the passerby for about 30 feet then stopped.

Gothamist noted the other day that a variation of this scam was occurring with some frequency in Chinatown...

And DNAinfo noted this broken-bottle scam as well on Tuesday. Happening in Midtown. Per DNA:

"It's not a huge, huge problem," a law enforcement source said, adding, "If you say it's a scam, if you know it's a scam, they're only going to push you so hard."

A proposal to help curb the East Village crusty population

As you may have noticed in the past few weeks, the travelers (transients, crusties — whatever term that you use) have been returning to the neighborhood. (Or maybe visiting for the first time.)

[Last Saturday on St. Mark's Place via Steven Matthews]

In an op-ed in The Villager this week, CB3 member Chad Marlow outlines a proposal to curb their presence in the neighborhood... First, he notes the perception that some of the crusties have becoming more violent.

While crusties have been coming to our neighborhood for many years, their behavior seems to be getting more aggressive, brazen and violent. Although many of my neighbors agree, I wondered if this perception is accurate. Before proposing drastic solutions, one should be certain to accurately understand the problem. Many of us have negative personal experiences that mirror last summer’s widely reported crusties incidents, such as defacing St. Mark’s Church, allowing their dogs to urinate in Washington Square Park’s fountain where children play, frequently harassing Washington Square and Tompkins Square Park visitors and engaging in countless bloody altercations. While this demonstrates the crusties problem is significant, it does not prove it is worsening.

Marlow, who spoke out about the growing rat problem in Tompkins Square Park several summers ago, goes on to outline his plan... it's a complicated process with several caveats ... an excerpt from his column:

So proceeding with the utmost caution and concern for protecting the involuntary homeless, I offer the following proposal: The City Council should pass a law making it unlawful to sleep or lie down on a public sidewalk, in a park or other public space between 9 p.m. and 6 a.m. Additional penalties would apply to those in possession of an unlicensed dog.

This legislative proposal, if it ended there, would be nothing short of an immoral attack on the homeless. That is why the law must contain numerous exceptions (“affirmative defenses”) to ensure it is applied humanely and only against voluntary homeless tourists like crusties.

You can read the whole piece here.


East Village meeting set Monday to discuss city's land-lease plan

From the EV Grieve inbox... via the Real Rent Reform Campaign...

Next R3 Meeting: Monday, April 1, 6:30 pm
113 E. 13th Street between Third Avenue and Fourth Avenue

If you haven't already heard, NYCHA has released their plan to put luxury towers on eight public housing sites (view the official plan here). The plan hasn't been well received by the community, and Chairman Rhea was grilled and heckled for 3 hours, as reported by the Daily News.

At Monday's meeting, we'll hear a special presentation from Community Voices Heard about progress in organizing around the NYCHA infill project, and what how the broader tenant movement can respond.

Vist the R3 website here for more details.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Outrage over proposal to turn the green space at the Meltzer Tower into private development (35 comments)

Here's what's in store for Campos Plaza under the city's land-leasing plan (16 comments)