Thursday, November 20, 2014

[Updated] Hop Devil Grill and The Belgian Room closed for now on St. Mark's Place

We noticed the NYPD signage outside the two bars on St. Mark's Place this morning…

The signs note a "violation of Alcohol Control Law."

No mention of the closure on the respective bars' social media properties.

As of tonight, bar places remain closed.

Updated 11-22

Both bars are back open.

It's flu season

And EVG reader Riian Kant-McCormick reminds us that we can stop by Kmart on Astor Place for our Nicki Minaj® influenza vaccine...

Lease-less Greenwich Village cookbook shop may find a new home on East 2nd Street

On Monday, Jeremiah Moss reported that the popular Bonnie Slotnick Cookbooks was not having the lease renewed for its 15-year-old Greenwich Village shop.

However, Slotnick may have a new home already on East Second Street between the Bowery and Second Avenue.

As DNAinfo reports:

After reading news reports about Slotnick's troubles, a pair of siblings reached out to her on Tuesday about a retail space available in their childhood home on East Second Street.

"I'm speechless," Slotnick said after seeing the new spot, at 28 E. Second St., on Wednesday morning. "It's perfect."

Margo and Garth Johnston had been searching for a retail tenant for the belowground space when Margo came across online reports about Slotnick's situation.

"I sent it to Garth and said, 'I’d kind of like a bookstore,'" Margo Johnston said. "And he called me immediately, and we called Bonnie."

The siblings told Slotnick about their mother, Eden Ross Lipson, who owned the building until she died from pancreatic cancer in 2009. Lipson spent more than three decades reviewing books for the New York Times Book Review, and she had an extensive cookbook collection.

The basement-level commercial space is triple the size of the space Slotnick currently pays $3,500 a month to rent at 163 W. 10th St., DNAinfo notes.

The siblings could, of course, make some money off the retail space.

Back to DNA:

But Johnston assured Slotnick that she and her brother are more concerned with finding the right tenant than the rent.

"We've been told we could certainly charge a lot more," Johnston said. "But [getting] the most money is not the important thing. The place is really important to us."

Rent hike forcing Marjory Warren to close on East 9th Street

Marjory Warren, a women's clothing and accessories boutique at 309 E. Ninth St., will close at the end of November thanks in part to a rent increase.

The boutique moved to this storefront between First Avenue and Second Avenue from the Upper East Side in 2009. Aside from the rent increase, owner Chris Warren cited a building tax and a decline in foot traffic that never recovered after Hurricane Sandy as other factors in the closure.

Per a statement to us:

"It's been a heart wrenching process,” said Warren. "I've tried to keep this up and running for as long as possible, but it's simply not viable at this point.

"I'm brokenhearted that I have to leave this wonderful little street. But I have to come back here for business every week so I know I can stay connected to the neighborhood and that offers me solace."

She was able to find a new storefront back on the Upper East Side (115 E. 96th St. near Park Avenue). The new location is set to open on Dec. 2.

As for the East Village location, there's a moving party tonight from 6-9. Find details here.

Farewell, some day maybe soon, to the World Famous Pee Phone™

[Do you remember the times that we had...]

Meant to mention this sooner... On Monday, Mayor de Blasio announced the winner in a competition to replace the city's pay phones.

Meet your new WiFi Internet hotspot stand thing via a consortium of companies called CityBridge:

LinkNYC is a proposal for a first-of-its-kind communications network that will bring the fastest available municipal Wi-Fi to millions of New Yorkers, small businesses, and visitors. The five-borough LinkNYC network, which will be funded through advertising revenues, will be built at no cost to taxpayers and will generate more than $500 million in revenue for the City over the first 12 years.

By replacing the aging network of public pay telephones with state-of-the-art Links, the City aims to transform the physical streets cape — and New Yorkers’ access to information — while also creating new local jobs for the development, servicing and maintenance of the structures.

And they will look like...

The city will eventually replace the pay phones around the city ... with a few exceptions. Via the Times:

The city also plans to remain hospitable to the cape-wearing set. CityBridge said it would maintain three existing “Superman pay phones” scattered along West End Avenue, where a small number of traditional phone booths have survived.

Anyway, you have a little time left to bid farewell to the World Famous Pee Phone™ on Avenue A at East Seventh Street. Maybe one more winter together.

And no word yet if those fancy interstellar, download-25-years-worth-of-the-Simpsons-in-47-seconds LinkNYC things will have a little shelf to hold the vodka like the World Famous Pee Phone™.

[EVG file photo via Bobby Williams]

Previously on EV Grieve:
The Miracle on Avenue A™: World Famous Pee Phone™ has a phone again

Out of order: World Famous Pee Phone™, others, face a future without quarters, whiskey

All is well at the World Famous Pee Phone™

Uh-oh: SantaCon looking for another neighborhood for its participants to trash

[Photo from 2011 by Dave on 7th]

Per amNewYork:

Organizers for SantaCon will continue searching for a neighborhood for the booze-fueled charity bar crawl, deciding to stay out of Bushwick, according to an organizer.


The organizer said Bushwick was one of a half-dozen neighborhoods SantaCon NYC was considering for the Dec. 13 event and that no neighborhood has been selected yet. The organizer declined to name the other neighborhoods.

Few people in Bushwick were rolling out the welcome mat. As Gawker put it in a headline: "Bushwick Bars to Boycott Drunken Disgusting Shitshow Known as SantaCon."

Back to amNewYork:

“Nobody wants it and nobody will allow it,” Ben Warren, owner of The Bodega and Heavy Woods, told amNewYork. “I'm just going to keep them out.”

Warren said he got firsthand experience of “the madness that ensues” during SantaCon while living in the East Village. Now as a bar owner, Warren said he would hire a few door people to keep Santas out of his bars.

“It's like we're preparing for battle,” he said.

Bushwick denizens were also worried about the whirlwind of hard-drinking Santas coming into their neighborhood in the name of charity.

“It's like basically coming to trash the neighborhood,” Matthew Christie, a 23 year-old Bushwick resident, said.

The East Village/Lower East Side served as HQ for the drunken disgusting shitshow last year. Suggestions for 2014?

Previously on EV Grieve:
SantaCon makes it official: The fucking thing starts in Tompkins Square Park

'Quite simply, SantaCon is a parasite' (48 comments)

Let's buy this building! 190 Bowery apparently back on the market

[190 Bowery via jdx]

Back in September, news broke that 190 Bowery, the longtime home of photographer Jay Maisel, was in contract to RFR Holdings for an undisclosed sum.

Condos were one possibility for the 37,000-square-foot building on the corner of Bowery and Spring Street.

Now, RFR is apparently flipping the building, The Commercial Observer reports.

There are reportedly marketing materials dated yesterday making the rounds via Massey Knakal. The price is not listed. (And the previous sale has yet to be filed with the city.)

Maisel bought the 1898 Germania Bank building in 1966 for $102,000. He and his family have lived there ever since. The price tag of the building had been estimated to be in the $50-plus million.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Coolest building on the Bowery may or may not be for sale

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Autumn leaves are on the ground

A leaf-covered walkway in Tompkins Square Park near Eighth Street and Avenue B today via Bobby Williams...

Out and About in the East Village

In this weekly feature, East Village-based photographer James Maher provides us with a quick snapshot of someone who lives and/or works in the East Village.

By James Maher
Name: Elinor Nauen
Occupation: Poet, Writer
Location: 5th Street between 1st and 2nd Ave
Time: 2 pm on Saturday, Nov. 15

I’ve been here since January 1977. I’m original from Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Between graduation from high school in Sioux Falls and moving to New York six years later, I lived in Michigan, Colorado, Maryland, South Carolina and North Carolina briefly, and Maine. I also lived in a bus for a year just driving around. I got out of high school and said, ‘Oh good, nobody can tell me what to do ever again. Now I’m just going to smoke pot and do what I want.’ The most glamorous thing was driving around the country. I wanted to see America. I’ve been to 49 states.

I’m a poet. Why do people come to New York except to be an artist? I was living in the woods in Maine. I was a hippie. I didn’t quite know that the poets were here, but when I was living in Maine I met Joel Oppenheimer. He was a poet who wrote for the Voice, so somebody connected us because he didn’t drive and I was a big driver. Looking back, I realize I was sort of amusing to him, this wide-eyed, completely uneducated, eager young person. He said, ‘You should be a poet and if you’re going to be a poet you have to move to New York.’

So I took the advice. That was combined with somebody giving me a ride here spur of the moment. I had never been in a city, so I was nervous about what it was going to be like. I was here for 10 minutes and I was like, ‘Oh, I’m a New Yorker now, I live here,’ and I went back to Maine and I got all my stuff. I came with my belonging in two paper bags and $100 in my pocket. I was 24.

I lived on Thompson Street for six weeks and then I came home one day and it was the last day of the month and my belongings were in two paper bags outside of the door. I had been evicted. It was very informal. So I went to the Voice and I saw these ads for students and transients up on 39th Street. I didn’t even know it was Times Square. I had only been here a few weeks. So I went up, this little girl from South Dakota, and there was this long hallway of plexiglass and it said, ‘Short stays. Up to 1-hour: $4. 1 to 4 hours: $6. Up to $24 hours…’

I didn’t know what else to do so I stayed there. They put me in this room that didn’t have a lock and there was a used condom on the mantle. I just sort of sat on the edge of the bed and said, ‘Oh no, I don’t know what I’m supposed to do now.’ Then the guy came up a few minutes later, really embarrassed, and he said, ‘I think you’ll be more comfortable here’ and he took me to a room that was more like a room for students. But that didn’t deter me at all. Nothing deterred me.

I loved this neighborhood since the first day I moved in. I found cheap rent [in the building above Gringer and Sons]. When I moved into that building half the apartments were vacant. The guy showed me the first one that had the toilet still in the hall. The second one had a slate tub with a flat bottom, and then he showed me the third one and he said, ‘Well there’s nothing wrong with this one.’ So I moved in and I’ve been there ever since.

My first job in New York was as a messenger, and the first day I went to a type shop for desktop publishing, everything had to be typeset, and I ended up going there practically every day until they said, ‘Oh you seem smart, now you can be our proofreader.’ All of a sudden I was a proofreader and then somebody who knew me was like, ‘We need a copy editor for two weeks for two days a week while somebody was on jury duty.’ So then I had this job and on the second week, one of the days I wasn’t there, everybody quit, so they said, ‘Do you want to be a full-time copy editor?’ So then I had a full-time job as a copy editor, which was great because I didn’t really go to college, but once you have a job nobody cares about your credentials.

I started going to St. Mark's Church in-the-Bowery, which was the home of the Poetry Project. That is how I started meeting people and then I got involved in readings and workshops. I’m still very involved. I’ve been there for almost 40 years now. I love seeing the people coming up and still being excited about art and poetry. But it’s so different [now] because you can’t come to New York with a $100 in your pocket anymore. I feel a tight community of the poetry project people. We’re about to have our 50th anniversary in two years.

Galway Kinnel just died and [I remember] the first thing I did the first day I came to New York was walk on Avenue C because of his famous poem, The Avenue Bearing the Initial of Christ into the New World. I remember the fruits and vegetables for sale on the street. I was like, ‘I can’t believe I’m seeing this.’ Avenue C in those days was probably a block you did not want to walk on. I always felt like I had the protection of the innocence around me.

James Maher is a fine art and studio photographer based in the East Village. Find his website here.

East Village etiquette for AirBnBers: 'Don't piss off the locals'

[Click on the image for a better read]

Here is an Urban Etiquette Sign from inside a 110-year-old tenement on First Avenue near East Sixth Street that has seen a weekly parade of transients/backpackers/tourists for the past year.

Per the sign's creator:

I know it puts me in the category of 'passive-aggressive note-posters.' I don't care anymore.

New York Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman recently announced that nearly three-quarters of all Airbnb rentals in the city were illegal.

High-end rentals and additional floors coming to the former SVA dorm on 3rd Avenue

[EVG file photo]

The former SVA dorm on East 10th Street at Third Avenue will be converted into – who woulda thought? — luxury rentals.

The Real Deal has more on the developments here:

Slate – a Midtown-based development firm headed by Martin Nussbaum and David Schwartz – and RWN Real Estate Partners want to reposition the building as a high-end rental property. They plan to take advantage of more than 8,000 square feet in unused air rights to add additional floors above the existing structure.

Aufgang Architects was hired to handle design, a representative for Slate told TRD. The new owners intend to determine the number of additional floors – and units – after the design is finalized, the rep said.

Third Avenue between East 10th Street and East 12th Street is shaping up to be a high-end rental row alongside the NYU dorms. The Nathaniel on the southwest corner of 12th Street has rentals going as high as $11,500. And at Eleventh and Third, rentals reach $10,000.

Previously on EV Grieve:
East Village now down a dorm

ConEd will be hogging up some parking spots ahead of another transformer replacement

Via the EVG inbox from your friends at ConEd…

Due to transformer replacement work at the Avenue A substation, pedestrian traffic and some parking spaces will be affected from November 17 to December 14, 2014.

There will be no parking on both sides of East 6th Street from corner of Avenue A to the end of the substation from Monday, November 17 until Sunday, December 14, 2014.

On the day of the transformer installation tentatively scheduled for March 1, 2015, East 6th Street will be closed to vehicular traffic and there will be parking restrictions on Avenue A between East 5th Street and East 6th Street on the weekend of February 28.

These disruptions are necessary to accommodate cranes, heavy equipment, and an oversized trailer needed to remove and replace the transformer. This work will help us continue to provide reliable electrical service in your community.

There will be no interruptions to your gas or electric services during this operation.

We apologize for any inconvenience.

Hope that you have noted all this in your 2015 calendars.

Anyway, so you know what all this means?

Big crane and transformer photo opps galore!

[January 2012!]

[March 2014 photo by Allen Semanco]

Anyone know how many transformers are inside the substation… and how often they actually need to be replaced….?

H/T EVG reader Creature

Momofuko Ko brings the lucky peach branding to Extra Place

EVG reader Russ happened to notice the discreet sign up at 4-8 Extra Place, where Momofuku Ko is opening a new, larger space…

We haven't been following this one too closely… Eater has some interior details here and here.

Previously on EV Grieve:
A look inside the incoming Momofuko Ko on Extra Place

With new restaurant opening, will Extra Place finally become a dining destination?

Extra Place now officially a Dead End

Extra Place and Heidi currently 'closed for renovation' in Extra Place

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Anyone ride an 'Annie'-branded Citi Bike today?

We spotted one this morning on East Seventh Street and Avenue A.

Well, you can always ride one Tomorrow. Haha.

Fifty of the "Annie" bikes (to coincide with the movie remake out this December) will be in circulation until the end of the year.

The New York Cares 26th annual Coat Drive is now underway

Per NY1:

With greater urgency this year, New York Cares is launching its 26th Annual Coat Drive.

The agency says it has received requests for 100,000 coats for men, women, and children.

Typically it collects 80,000.

Through December 31, donations of gently used, freshly laundered coats will be collected at hundreds of locations throughout the five boroughs including all NYPD precincts, New York Penn Station, Atlantic Avenue – Barclays Center, and Grand Central Terminal.

You may search for a drop-off location here. Around here you can take coats to the 9th Precinct at 321 E. Fifth St. between First Avenue and Second Avenue ... or the Police Service Area 4 at 130 Avenue C at East Eighth Street.

Report: CB3 OKs liquor license for a David McWater-owned d.b.a.

As we reported earlier this month, David McWater, a local bar owner and former longtime member of Community Board 3, emerged as the new proprietor of d.b.a. at 41 First Ave.

And last night, he went before CB3's SLA committee for a new liquor-license approval.

As BoweryBoogie reported: "Nothing about the bar is changing; it’s the same name, same method of operation, and same staff."

CB3 OK'd the new license, though there was debate about the legality of the bar's backyard. (You can head to BoweryBoogie for the back and forth about that issue.)

Paperwork (PDF!) on file at the CB3 site shows that McWater, who also owns part of The Library, Doc Holliday's and Milano's, and Tower Brokerage's Bob Perl as the principals for d.b.a.

Ray Deter and Dennis Zentek opened d.b.a. in 1994. Deter died in July 2011 from the injuries he suffered in a bicycling accident. Zentek died on March 23 from head injuries he sustained in a fall down a flight of stairs.

According to BoweryBoogie, the heirs of d.b.a. had reached out to McWater about taking over the ownership.

Gracefully has closed

[Photo via @thebsap]

That's it for the market at 28 Avenue A between East Second Street and East Third Street. Several readers spotted workers removing contents of the store last evening… workers on the scene confirmed that they were shutting down in a few hours.

We first reported the impending closure on Nov. 10. At the time, the closing date was still unknown.

The shelves were getting empty during our last visit on Friday…

We didn't hear any official reason for the closure. One worker claimed that it was because of the New York Sports Club opening soon in the building's upper floors.

There is a Gracefully on First Avenue in Stuy Town … and one remains under construction on East 23rd Street.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Gracefully is closing on Avenue A

[Updated] 174-176 First Ave. is in contract

174-176 First Ave. arrived on the market in June 2013 with an asking price of $12 million.

Since 1904, No. 176 has been home to DeRobertis Pasticceria and Caffe. The DeRobertis family owns the building, so it seemed likely that the bakery would remain despite the sale... until a real-estate listing circulated in May showing that the retail spaces in the basement and first floor of No. 176 would be delivered vacant once the buildings sell. (However, workers there have told us several times that they were not closing... and that the building wasn't even for sale.)

According to the listing at Corcoran, the building is now in contract.

Streeteasy notes that the building entered into contract on Oct. 31...

DeRobertis is one of our favorite places around. So we do hope that they will live on with the new owners.

One troubling sign, though — the DeRobertis website is no long active...

Updated: DeRobertis reportedly will close after Dec. 5.

Papaya King will start serving beer next Monday on St. Mark's Place

Via the EVG inbox yesterday...

Starting Monday, November 24, you can have a beer with your meal at 3 St. Marks Pl. 12oz Heineken Light Bottles and 12oz Brooklyn Lager Cans will be available to start, with new items being added each season.

The beer will be available Sunday through Thursday from 11:00AM – 10:00PM and Friday & Saturday from 11:00AM – 11:00PM. You must purchase a food item off the menu to buy and enjoy a beer.

Unlike the other Papaya and Hot Dog copycat restaurants in New York City, Papaya King on St. Marks Pl. is more than a grab and go location. With a giant projection screen along the back wall, old school arcade games in the front, foosball in the back, loud music and a long picnic table down the middle, it is a place to rub elbows with your friends, neighbors, classmates and someone new.

The Papaya King owners were turned down for a beer license back in May 2013. According to CB3 documents, the St. Mark's Block Association and 8 St. Mark's Tenants' Association submitted letters and testimony in opposition to this application.

CB3 again turned down their application in September 2013, citing a failure "to provide substantial community support from area residents." While five people spoke out in support of the license, only one of them actually lived within the CB3 boundaries, according to CB3 documents.

So it looks as if Papaya King made some concessions, cutting back the proposed hours for beer sales. (They originally wanted to sell beer until 4 a.m. Thursday through Sundays.)

Papaya King opened in the East Village in May 2013. Papaya King opened on East 86th Street in 1932.

122 E. Seventh St. is for rent

The storefront here between Avenue A and First Avenue has been on the market since May... however, the for lease sign is up in the window now that the previous tenant, La Belle Crepe, recently closed.

The rent for the 300-square-foot space is upon request.

Did anyone ever try La Belle Crepe? A veteran street-fair vendor ran the place. We honestly never saw any customers inside. Crepes also seem like a tough sell around here.

Monday, November 17, 2014


Photo from Tompkins Square Park by Bobby Williams...

Report: SantaCon isn't coming to this part of town in 2014

[SantaCon 2013 via EVG reader Steven Sonnenblick]

SantaCon, the annual charity event beloved by all save for a few curmudgeons who don't like to have fun, is apparently bypassing the East Village/Lower East Side this year.

This year's destination on Dec. 13? Bushwick, as Bushwick Daily first reported today.

So far, it looks like bar owners there are psyched, as they should be.

One bartender told Bushwick Daily:

“I’ve worked on SantaCon while bartending in the East Village. It’s the absolute worst thing ever. Worse than Saint Patrick’s Day! I literally can’t believe it’s coming to Bushwick!” he continued. “I can’t think of anyone that would let drunk vomiting Santas into their bars in this hood. I’m guessing they will be aimlessly walking around.”

As you know, most of the Santa-clad revelers are on their best behavior… of course there are always one or two bad apples as you'd expect in any crowd. (Good God! That Armory Show last year!)


Anyway, Christmas came early here.

Per Jessica Roy at Daily Intelligencer:

East Village bars, which have long fought to ban the daytime bar crawl and will be spared this year's vomit puddles, must have made Santa's Nice List this year.

EV Grieve Etc.: Mourning Edition

[On the L via Grant Shaffer]

Essex Crossing update (The Lo-Down)

Some places that people worry will close (Jeremiah's Vanishing New York)

East Village Alchemy (Dorian Grey Gallery)

Calls for public hearings over expansion plans by the Success Academy charter school (DNAinfo)

Christo's early evening hunt in Tompkins Square Park (Gog in NYC)

When Five Points was the city's worst slum (Ephemeral New York)

77 Bowery is up for grabs (BoweryBoogie)

There are now red Citi Bikes to promote the "Annie" remake (Gothamist)

On Wednesday night, The Stop Shopping Choir, Middle Church Jerriese Johnson Gospel Choir and The Lower Eastside Girls Club Choir will perform a concert to raise funds for activists in Ferguson, Mo. (Middle Collegiate Church)

… and for those of you into yoga … there's a new yoga class over at the Ashtanga Yoga Shala on East Eighth Street at Avenue B… find details about The Bridge Yoga Class here.

Parts of Avenue C and D now with a SkyWatch tower, additional NYPD lights

[Photo via Magic Brian]

Several readers noted the arrival last week of an NYPD patrol tower (SkyWatch) on East Third Street at Avenue C… and additional lights on East Fourth Street at Avenue C…

Their arrival coincides with the report of a shooting on Nov. 7 outside the Mariana Bracetti Plaza public housing development at 251 E. Third St. west of Avenue C. According to CBS New York, the victim suffered non-life-threatening injuries. There hasn't been any further information about this shooting.

Meanwhile, the NYPD also set up a light tower on Avenue D at East Fifth Street last Wednesday…

There are unconfirmed reports of a recent shooting on this corner.

Resident Bill Morris pointed out that the lights appear to be trained on his bedroom… (the lights and generator stay on even after sunrise…)

Morris asked the NYPD if the lights could focus more on the street and less on the building. So far nothing doing. He says a call to the 9th Precinct about the lights generated this suggestion: Call Commissioner Bratton's office.

The changes to 3 Bowery mainstays

Just adding up the changing Bowery landscape along East Third Street and East Second Street…

Workers continue jackhammering away at the Salvation Army's former East Village Residence on the Bowery at East Third Street. The site will one day yield a 13-floor, 30,000 square-foot mixed-use residential development.


The Whitehouse Hostel at 338-340 Bowery closed for good in early September. The building was sold. There are pending plans to build a 9-floor hotel in its place. Otherwise, there's not much activity here. There's still someone sitting behind the front desk … and the Pepsi machine remains in the lobby…


On Friday, workers erected the sidewalk bridge outside the former Amato Opera building at 319 Bowery just below East Second Street…

Landlord Steve Croman received DOB approval in September to convert the former theater into a commercial and residential building. Documents show that there will be one residence on each floor above the retail space. Amato Opera ended its long run on May 31, 2009.

And these are just the changes on one block. Curbed documented more of the Bowery's changing landscape back in August.


An Urban Etiquette Sign from inside an East Third Street building via EVG reader Philip Treviño, who notes the flyer is still fresh and unmarked by a Sharpie. (And not just to copyedit.)

Ben Shaoul's latest gift to the neighborhood: A 10-floor residential building

News broke Friday about the new retail-residential complex coming to the one-level strip on East Houston between Orchard and Ludlow: a 10-floor building with 83 residential units.

In addition, the new building will feature 13,500 square feet of ground-floor retail and nearly 5,000 square feet of community facility space, according to New York Yimby, who first reported on Ben Shaoul's plans now on file with the city.

The address for this Shaoulville will be 196 Orchard St.

As BoweryBoogie (who first learned that Shaoul was behind this project) has been reporting, the businesses along here (Bereket among them) have closed or moved to make way for the development. Pretty much everything you see will be gone — except for Katz's, whose co-owner sold their air rights to Shaoul.

Ismael Leyva is the architect of record.

Yaffa Cafe's former sidewalk cafe is now a garbage dump

Yaffa Cafe officially announced their closure back on Oct. 1 after 30-plus years in business.

We've been curious what will happen to the space at 97 St. Mark's Place just east of First Avenue. We've haven't heard any news about this in recent weeks… the only activity to note is that someone moved the garbage and recycling to the space where Yaffa's sidewalk cafe was…

Yaffa's management decided to call it quits after the city ordered them to discontinue use of their backyard garden … and from the fines stemming from a recent DOH inspection.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Yaffa Cafe is officially gone; back garden dismantled

More about Yaffa Cafe closing

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Week in Grieview

[Why did Zoltar move? He loves Paul's! Photo by Derek Berg]

Gracefully is closing on Avenue A (Monday)

Q-and-A with Vanessa McDonnell, director of the John's of 12th Street documentary (Thursday)

East Village Radio is returning (Friday)

Native Bean moving soon on Avenue A (Thursday)

Q-and-A with activist Kelly Cogswell, author of "Eating Fire: My Life as a Lesbian Avenger" (Tuesday)

Pizza Bagel Cafe yielding to a T-Mobil store on East 14th Street and First Avenue (Tuesday)

City's first cat cafe opening on the LES (Thursday)

Out and About with Ben Bahud (Wednesday)

Coming soon to First Avenue: Sweet Generation, "A Bakery for Arts Education" (Monday)

Facebook is here now in Midtown South (Wednesday)

The Marshal seizes Cafe Cambodge on Avenue C (Thursday)

$73 million and Ben Shaoul's Bloom 62 is all yours (Friday)

John Lurie's new live Internet radio show debuts (Wednesday)

LaVie in rubble (Friday)

zPizza closes on First Avenue (Monday)

A Building condo returns to market WITHOUT THE SLIDE (Tuesday)

Heavenly Market opens on Third Avenue (Friday)

Awwwwwwwww: Christo and Dora make cute in the sunset (Tuesday)

Momofuku-French Louie vets bringing BARA to East First Street (Monday)

Refurbished El Sombrero debuts (Wednesday)

New residential building for former Mobil station lot will be 10 floors with 0 zero affordable units (Wednesday)

57 Second Ave. available for $30 million (Thursday)

Mystery mounds (Friday)

Mile High Run Club is up and running (Monday)

… and we realized that we never noted the arrival of the recently relocated Cloak & Dagger boutique at 334 E. Ninth St. … in the former Archangel Antiques space…