Wednesday, May 1, 2019

It's May — time for Lower East Side History Month

Today is May 1, which, among other things, means that it's time for Lower East Side History Month, an annual "celebration of the rich and diverse history" of the neighborhood.

Per the EVG inbox:

Each year in May, Lower East Side cultural and community groups, small businesses and residents create a variety of public events, exhibits, tours, and learning opportunities. All events take place in the historical boundaries of the Lower East Side.

Conceived and launched by Downtown Art and FABnyc in partnership with LES-based cultural and community groups, LES History Month aims to connect our present to our past, exploring how our history can inform and inspire our future.

First week activities (all free) include:

• Saving History: Community Advocacy in the East Village
Saturday (11 a.m.) and Sunday (1 p.m.)
East Village Community Coalition, northwest corner of 11th Street and Avenue A
Details here

• East Village LGBT Historic Sites Tour
Sunday, 4-6 p.m.
Theatre 80, 80 St. Mark's Place
Details here

• Wild Edibles Walking Tour — East River to the Lower East Side
Sunday, 11 a.m.
Meet at East River and 23rd Street
Details here

Find the full May schedule at this link.

Schmackary's bringing cookies to Cooper Square

Signage arrived Monday for Schmackary's, a bakery offering 40-plus varieties of cookies, at 35 Cooper Square between Fifth Street and Sixth Street... next door to Meet Fresh, the Taiwanese dessert and tea chain here in the base of the dorm for Marymount Manhattan College students.

This is the second NYC outpost for the brand (the other is at 45th Street at Ninth Avenue). Signage points to a summer debut here.

The last tenant here, Pourt, the cafe-work space combo, closed after 11 months in December 2017.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Pourt softly opens on Cooper Square

Pourt signage arrives at Cooper Square dorm retail space

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Tuesday's parting shot

A not-too-old (15 years?) ghost signage reveal at the former Foot Gear Plus on First Avenue at St. Mark's Place... the shop closed in July 2018 after 40-plus years on this corner.

The empty storefront is currently being divided up into several retail spaces.

6 posts from April

[East Village sunrise from April 26]

A mini month in review...

First red-tailed hawk egg hatches this year in Tompkins Square Park (April 23)

Q&A with East Village filmmaker Michael Levine, whose documentary on Streit's airs on PBS (April 18)

Making the case for 2-way bike lanes on Avenue B (April 15)

A visit to the Pyramid Club on Avenue A (April 12)

1 month in: Basquiat at the Brant Foundation (April 5)

The Hells Angels have left the East Village (April 2)

Mount Sinai Beth Israel files plan for 7-story hospital on 13th Street

[Photos from Sunday]

The initial work permit has been filed for part of the new Mount Sinai Beth Israel complex on 13th Street between First Avenue and Second Avenue.

According to the permit filed last Wednesday, the "hospital building" will stand 7 floors — encompassing more than 112,000 square feet. (H/T New York Yimby!)

This will rise on the now-empty lot where a 14-floor building (321 E. 13th St.) stood that housed training physicians and staff of the nearby New York Eye and Ear Infirmary.

As previously reported in the fall of 2016, the Mount Sinai Health System is in the midst of its years-long project to rebuild Mount Sinai Beth Israel, transitioning to a network of smaller facilities throughout lower Manhattan. The plans include an expanded facility on 14th Street and Second Avenue, which includes this 7-story building.

Mount Sinai Beth Israel had not previously specified how many floors the new building would be. Officials briefed Community Board 6 in February, which Town & Village covered:

The new Mount Sinai Beth Israel hospital planned for East 13th Street may be shorter than initially planned due to newly-discovered unused space at the adjacent New York Eye and Ear facility, representatives announced at a sparsely-attended Community Board 6 meeting ...

"We discovered that there was more property available inside the New York Eye and Ear building, which allowed us to reconfigure what we’re going to do with the new building on 13th Street," said Brad Korn, corporate director of community affairs for Mount Sinai Beth Israel. "We're not changing any of the programs or promises we made on beds or anything like that, but it just makes it a little easier and will be a little less intrusive in the new build-up."

Brad Beckstrom, senior director for community and government for Mount Sinai, told CB6 that the new plan will connect to the New York Eye and Ear building "so it will become an integrated hospital."

Find more info on the Mount Sinai Beth Israel restructuring at their FAQ page.

Previously on EV Grieve:
An empty lot awaits the future home of the new Mt. Sinai Beth Israel Hospital on 13th Street

Permits filed to demolish Mount Sinai's 13th Street residential building

[No. 321 in 2016]

Those sidewalk bridges around Village View will be there for at least 2 years

In recent weeks you've likely seen the extensive sidewalk bridge(s) weave around the buildings on the Village View property.

Well, get used to it — it promises to be there for quite some time.

Village View, which opened in 1964 as a a Mitchell-Lama co-op, consists of seven buildings with more than 1,200 residential units between First Avenue and Avenue A, from Second Street to Sixth Street.

An EVG reader who lives in Village View shared this posted information about what's happening on the property...

[Click for more details]

Local Law 11, or the Façade Inspection Safety Program, requires that owners of buildings with more than six stories above grade have their exterior walls and appurtenances inspected periodically. The last report here was filed on Feb. 21.

As the notice to residents states:

"The findings of the report were that many balconies have cracks and pieces of concrete sticking out and when the concrete is tapped, it becomes dislodged and falls out. There is also a lot of visible cracking from the underside of balconies. As a result of these findings all seven Village View buildings were filed as 'Unsafe.' This means that we are required to put up scaffolding around the five remaining buildings as soon as possible. (Buildings 6 and 7 already have scaffolding.)"

Bottom line: "Local Law 11 is likely to cost Village View an estimated $3.5 million and will take all of 2019 and 2020 to complete the work."

Previously on EV Grieve:
Village View ends talk of privatization (for now)

Corner market arrives at 20 Avenue A

[Photo by Aaron Wilson]

A deli/market opened this past weekend in the retail space on the southeast corner of Avenue A at Second Street (the owners of Avenue A Deli & Food on the northeast corner of Avenue A and Second Street must love this) ...

[Photo by Steven]

Not sure of the name at the moment. A worker there told EVG New Deli Correspondent Steven that their signage was arriving soon. (Members of the 20 Avenue A Watchers Club — our next meeting is Thursday from 1-1:15 p.m. — have been brainstorming possible deli names, a list that includes Alphabet Deli, Avenue A Food & Deli, Deli on A, 2A Deli and To Live and Deli on Avenue A.)


Updated 5/1

Hello Omega Salad Bar & Deli!

Updated 5/3

The shop's new entryway is now in place...

[Photo by @jason_chatfield]


With this, three of the four retail spaces born from the former Chase branch have been filled.

The unnamed deli joins Halo Spa and Alphabet Pizza here...

Chase vacated this storefront in November 2015. Perhaps one day the landlord will even sandblast the traces of the Chase name from the façade.

The Marshal takes over Bar Taco on Avenue C

That's apparently it for Bar Taco at 185 Avenue C between 11th Street and 12th Street.

The Marshal recently came calling, putting the space in the legal possession of the landlord...

Bar Taco arrived in early 2018, taking over the space from a short-lived venture called Malcriada, a self-described "Latino Gastropub" ... which arrived after Kaz, another short-lived venture that lasted seven months.

Cafecito, the Cuban-style cafe, had a good run here, closing in early 2016 after 14 years in business.

Monday, April 29, 2019

Monday's parting shot

Morning view from Ninth Street at Avenue A via Vinny & O.



Thanks to @davidpiz for sharing this photo (Bears of Anarchy) today from 10th Street between Avenue A and First Avenue.

Grant Shaffer's NY See

Here's the latest NY See, East Village-based illustrator Grant Shaffer's comic series — an observational sketch diary of things that he sees and hears around the neighborhood — and NYC.

Grant is taking a week off — look for the next panel (No. 46!) a little later in May.

1 weekend down: L-train slowdown recap

We are now officially in L-train slowdown mode for the next 15-18 months.

On Friday evening, the MTA started its service reduction to repair the Sandy-damaged tubes between Manhattan and Brooklyn, ramping down L times to 20-minute waits starting at 8 p.m. to 5 a.m. during the week and around the clock on weekends. (Here's the MTA press release on it.)

The slowdown's debut on Friday received so-so to negative reviews, based on various published reports and social media accounts.

Jake Offenhartz has a nice recap of the first night — featuring broken arrival clocks and hour-long waits for trains — over at Gothamist.

Here's a quick overview:

For many of the city's regular L riders — a group that numbers 400,000 on a normal day — the reality underground was a far cry from the governor's description of "service that would still work." In Union Square, crowds were penned in along barricades on the mezzanine level, in some cases waiting to board an open train that wouldn't arrive for close to an hour. Transit workers, stationed across the system in large numbers, practically begged customers to make use of the increased service on the M, G, and 7 lines, or the free transfers on the M14A/D and Williamsburg Link buses.

Those who did stay encountered extended waits not only inside stations, but on unmoving trains as well. The dwell times seemed especially bad at Union Square, where the MTA's interlocking system means that Brooklyn-bound service must wait for a passing train to arrive before switching over to the shared track, in order to avoid the construction area between 3rd Avenue and Bedford.

"It's worse than I thought," said Alfredo Fernando, a dish-washer at a restaurant near Union Square.

Transit reporter Vin Barone has his recap for amNY here. As he notes, the MTA's biggest challenge might be happening as you read this: making sure there isn't any lingering construction left to disrupt this morning's‬ commute.

“[We] are aware of how critically important it is to have that smooth transition so that ‪at 5 a.m. we can start back in service,” said Ronnie Hakim, the MTA’s managing director, during a trip along the L line on Sunday. “We do this. We know how to do it. It’s a function of working out all the kinks.”

You can also find coverage at the Times, who was more sympathetic in its tone with a headline: "First Weekend Disruption Is Frustrating, but Not Disastrous."

By Saturday, the L-train situation had mostly righted itself. Christopher Robbins at Gothamist explored one of the alternative methods touted by the MTA to get around — the M14 — on Saturday afternoon. "And while there were definitely more M14 buses, there is nothing to save them from getting stuck in the miserable traffic that clogs 14th Street. It took us 47 minutes to get from Grand Street on the Lower East Side to 8th Avenue and 14th Street."

Help may be on the way. In June, the city plans to convert 14th Street into a busway from Third Avenue to Ninth Avenue with very limited access to car traffic.

Now to a few other observations related to the slowdown...

The MTA is stockpiling extra M14s on the east side of Avenue A between 11th Street and 13th Street ...

This means no parking/or standing along here for the foreseeable future... from 6 p.m. to 5 a.m. Monday through Friday, and all weekend long...

The MTA also has extra buses at the ready on the east side of Third Avenue between 12th Street and 14th Street...

This also means no parking on this side of the Avenue ...

Meanwhile, the SBS bus services starts in June... and more ticketing machines have been unveiled... on the north side of 14th Street between Second Avenue and Third Avenue...

... and the east side of Avenue A between Fifth Street and Sixth Street...

Anyone have any L-train stories to share from this past weekend?