Gramstand, the cutesy tea and sandwich place on Avenue A between 13th Street and 14th Street, shuttered rather quickly yesterday. As Eater reported, the owners had previously announced that they would close or be sold. Metblogs published the following note last evening from the owners:
Dear Friends and Customers,
The Gramstand is closing today and will host a farewell garage sale through the day. Please do stop by and purchase some odds and ends from us. We apologize for the short notice, but it was short notice for us as well.
Due to the rising cost of doing business and an overwhelming financial situation, the Gramstand has been forced to close it’s doors.
The owners had been looking to sell the place for $250k or the best offer.
There is a new cafe opening on 12th and A.
Any day now I imagine.
Thanks, anon...I just saw the news on Eater:
Some additional intel on the new EVill spot on 12th and A: "There are new signs up on the restaurant going in at the NW corner of 12th Street and Avenue A indicating that the restaurant will be called OST Cafe." Another tipster tells us this space is "going to be an eastern european style coffeehouse. Kind of like Cafe Sabarsky meets Pravda." [PLYWOOD]
I actually met the owners while they were getting signatures for wine, or something like that. They were nice, though I am not sure they will succeed. They are going to have a doggy window, since they are dog owners and dogs aren't allowed in cafes in this country. Their rent is reasonable at first, especially for the space, but their increases are going to be insane. If they do really well, they might survive. But it does seem like those corners are cursed!
Ah! Thanks for the info! My dog-owning friends will be pleased to here this.
Finally the glut of coffee shops is showing some slackening. Maybe we'll get more frozen yogurt instead. Or a bar.
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