Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Another mosaic painted over; an 'Avenue Arihood' pole in the works

Speaking of Jim Power... a reader passed along the above photo... someone had recently painted over the mosaics at the base of the street lamp at the northeast corner of Seventh Street and Avenue A.

Not the first time that this has happened here. In May 2010, a reader noticed that someone had coated the base with gray paint. So the reader took it upon himself to Zip Strip it.

In any event, upon hearing this most recent news, Power said "just one more to rebuild," before noting that the mosaics on Avenue A and Seventh Street needed work. On that topic, Power said that he's planning to create an "Avenue Arihood" pole on the northwest corner ("Bob's corner") in honor of the late Bob Arihood.


LvV said...

I'm sure the person who painted over this had no choice and was just doing his/her job, but it is disgusting to see nevertheless. Mr. Power's mosaics are a neighborhood treasure.

glamma said...

what moronic bumblef*ck would have done such a thing?
are they employing sentient beings or grunting, ape-like neanderthals?
*stay classy* dept of sanitation....
try not to "clean" ALL the art and history out of the city please!!!
that photo.... just infuriating.
bureaucracy at its worst.

Marty Wombacher said...

That really sucks that Mosaic Man's art got painted over! But I love the idea of Arihood Avenue! I can't wait for that, sounds like a wonderful tribute to Bob!

LvV said...

Question for anyone who knows: If someone were to go out there and Zip Strip the gray paint to restore the mosaic, is that an arrestable offense? give us the worst-case scenario. ;)

Laura Goggin Photography said...

Bob's corner is a great idea. Keep beautifying the neighborhood, Mosaic Man!

Anonymous said...

Mosaic Man have you done any poles with EVC or EVG or anything??Bob is the best and he deserves a whole both blogs and a photo of him you do..I love MM Jim Power's work

marjorie said...

ugh, that painted-over mosaic looks like scorched earth. wah.

Jeremy said...

Anon 2:01: there is an EVG pole. I don't remember where, but you can probably find the posting for it via search.

EV Grieve said...

It is on the pole in front of Gem Spa on Second Avenue and St. Mark's Place...

LULU said...


Anonymous said...

@ Grieve do you know the best way to contact Mosaic Man? I'd like to commision him for something.

EV Grieve said...

@ anon 12:07

Via his website ...

Or a DM via Twitter...

I may have an email too...

You can send me an email at

Lindsay said...

So sad to see that someone would do this to Jim's work... Who would rather see drab grey instead of his beautiful, colorful work!? Ugh.
Excited to hear about the "Avenue Arihood" pole! The more things to remind us of Bob and all that he did for the neighborhood, the better. He is so terribly missed.

Sammy said...

I commisioned a oiece for him that he did for my girlfriend 2 xmas's ago and he was very reasonable, fast and came up with a great looking piece so I highly suggest it.

Mr. Mister said...

No shortage of ways to reach out to Jim these days:


nycjimpower [AT]

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Follow him on Twitter:

And to support the rebuilding of The Mosaic Trail:

Etsy shop (belt buckles!):

T-shirts, accessories, prints, etc. (Jim's designs on a multitude of products):

Or to make a donation: (points to PayPal, though you can check out without having an account there)

Where to find Jim in print (Buy a book!):