[Photo by Derek Berg]
Crews are out along East Sixth Street this morning to film scenes for the FX comedy series "Louie." BoweryBoogie noted that the the Emmy-Award winning comedian was back from hiatus and filming around parts of the Lower East Side yesterday... crews will also be filming around Avenue A/East Seventh Street tomorrow, per posted signs... (Pig Newton is the name of Louis C.K.'s production company.)
Season four is set to premiere sometime in May 2014, per BoweryBoogie. (And is this a good time to mention that I've never seen the show?)
Wondering what production was clotting my sidewalk this morning at their breakfast buffet...the crusties apparently had the word not to sleep in the recessed restaurant areas as usual...kind of tired of seeing them jerking off and fucking in the morning on my way to work anyway
I like him and hope his crew isn't causing any residents grief. But like nygrump wrote, there seems to be a benefit to the crew's presence! What he described seeing is absolutely disgusting.
I spoke to him this morning and told him I really liked his work. He was very gracious.
He also filmed a bit of season 2 on 1st ave and 7th street. Saw him and a crew late one night at East Village Wines and Spirits. Got a picture with him during a smoke break, definitely a nice guy.
I just don't get why people like this guy. I really just don't get it.
Because people recognize that honesty is a rare thing.
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