Slum Goddess spotted this sign up on the front door at the Continental, 25 Third Ave. near St. Mark's Place.
Not sure if they are serious about this offense ... [updated: see the comments. Trigger, the bar's owner, says the sign is meant to be tongue-in-cheek] in any event, per the sign:
Sorry but if you say the word "literally" inside Continental you have 5 minutes to finish your drink and then you must leave.
If you actually start a sentence with "I literally" you must leave immediately!!!
This is the most overused, annoying word in the English language and we will not tolerate it.
Back in November, Trigger, the owner of the bar, which opened in 1991, announced that he would close the Continental this summer. (He left open the possibility of a relocation.) The updated closing date is now June 30.
As previously reported, Real Estate Equities Corporation plans to demolish the existing low-rise buildings at 3 St. Mark’s Place, 23 and 25-27 Third Ave. to make way for a 7-story office building.
Updated 1/24
A new version of the sign explains that this literally ban is to help end "Kardashianism" ...

Can I say the word "Ridiculous"?
Literally, who cares? I thought this was Trump's America, where we all are entitled and able to say what we want, when we want, and where we want, including The Continental...
There should be an exception for the rare times that the word is used correctly. Other words to figuratively prohibit: "Perfect," as in "Here's your change." "Perfect."
If something really is perfect, then you can say, "That is literally perfect."
"Awesome" seems to dying a slow death. Good riddance.
Misusing the word literally sure is annoying but ironically this "policy" and the sentiment behind it come across as way more insufferable. Whatever. At the end of the day this idea of half-wit bargoers and bartenders attempting to police each others' diction is freakin' hilarious, you just have to laugh out your ass at this one.
This bar is literally closing soon. Figuratively speaking.....aw hell who cares?
It's a minor miracle the place still exists post circa 2004. I have good memories from playing my first shitty gig in the city there once upon a time, but it has always seemed like a dour, unfriendly, unwelcoming, unappealing, no-fun place to drink and this latest monkey business just confirms that.
Is it overused? Yes. But, being an overbearing douche isn't a good look, particularly in the hospitality business when surrounded by competitors that will let you say whatever you want.
No wonder they're going out of business.
Wow, they have standards, who knew?
In all fairness to the patrons, I'd have a hard time exercising my vocabulary if I was served five shots literally all at once. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to throw food on the sidewalk and scream when the rats show up.
I’m literally surprised that anyone from The Continental knows how to spell an SAT word with more than 5 letters in it. Literally.
Literally how ridiculous is that
But five shots are literally five dollars.
I passed by earlier and there was literally nobody in there. The sign must be working!
Like literally, who cares?
I doubt I could last 5 minutes in there anyway.
Oh trigger!!?? Relax
How about the word "pedantic"?
This is figuratively the dumbest policy ever
"I literally am getting kicked out for saying this."
ooh : I am literally "obsessed" with this story ;-)
Also due for retirement - 'spot on'
This is the last tourist/frathole EV bar I'd expect to get all pissy about language. So, respect. But I've literally never been there and don't plan to go.
Ha. Love it.
What about when you "ACTUALLY" say something though...
i LOVE that some people are taking my letter Literally! You’ve been punked!
Most people actually get the humor intended and have a good laugh.
We haven’t tossed anyone out for using that word. Yet!
can you please add a note or asterisk saying that the very next day I added “WE MUST STOP KARDASHIANISM NOW!”
If u place this as a new item and not just as a footnote in the original people will surely see my Tongue in Cheek intent. Thx
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