And tacked on in an oh-by-the-way manner at the end of the article:
Seven of the incidents were in the Ninth Precinct, which has seen nearly a 90 percent surge in burglaries in the month ending Sept. 13, compared to the same period last year.
Burglaries are up about 32 percent in the precinct for the year.
Well, it's always dangerous to toss around crime stats out of context. Yes, there is an increase, but take a look at the numbers for yourself... Plus, um, the man the police arrested for this crime spree was responsible for SEVEN of the burglaries, presumably in that time period. (Click image for a better look. Or read the PDF here yourself.)

And look at the numbers compared to 1990...

Somebody had to say it.
and the murder rate is down 90% in the last 16 years. That's not newsy.
Of course, I failed to mention that some people often don't bother filing a report /pressing charges....
Macho Madness is up 900% over last year. Yeah!
...some people often don't bother filing a report...
Yeah, I've been reading the compstat reports from the 9th all summer and it seems that some weeks I count more shooting/robberies/muggings that I've heard about and/or seen mentioned here or Bob's blog than show up in the report. Yeah, sure, murder's down from 20 years ago but, come on, here and now, the overall crime rate has to be way, way, up from, oh, two years ago.
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