I don't spend much time on this block, so I only saw the owner(s) a few times. Two guys hanging out, acting as if they were in a state park.
Here's a Google maps shot of it...

According to an EV Grieve reader: "The guy who owns it takes stuff out of the garbage and inexplicably chains it up to the motorhome and the fence next to it (he has a bathtub, a few shopping carts, chairs, a grill, etc). He never moves the trailer when the street is cleaned, yet he has no tickets."
And the camper was parked across the street from the Police Service Area #4...

I struck up a conversation with who I believe owned the camper late in the summer. I hoped to swing by another day for an interview. When I did return, the camper was gone...
However, many items that look as if they belonged to the camper man are still chained up nearby... The EV Grieve reader believes camper man had to move when the senior facility construction began...
I think you stumbled onto a top-secret undercover NYPD operation...
Wow, a bathtub!
Hmm...good TV-series fodder here too: Rogue cop who works from a camper outside the precinct....
this camper was parked for a little while in front of st dymphnas on st marks. the owner was an old guy with long white hair. he had a dog. and he moved his camper for street cleaning. disappeared recently though...
His name is Dash and he's a really wonderful guy- he saw me moving some heavy things out of my apartment and spent the next six hours helping me move into a new place; he almost wouldn't even let me give him a little money, but he modestly accepted. He actually does have a real home further down on 9th. I asked about the car, and he actually moves it during street cleanups, which only last a half hour or so, and then parks it right back. Say hello next time- he doesn't bite
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