Monday, October 3, 2011

The photography of Bob Arihood

Bob Arihood died last week. (You can read reaction and tributes to him here.) I spent a good part of the weekend revisiting his posts at Neither More Nor Less and Nadie Se Conoce. I hope that his photos continue to inform and inspire people for years to come. His work inspired me on a daily basis.

Picking a few shots to showcase proved to be a challenging task.


Melanie said...


Marty Wombacher said...

Great photos! Bob is gone, but his work lives on. Thanks for posting these, EV Grieve.

Jeremiah Moss said...

i hope someone is finding a home for his archives. these belong in the care of a museum or other organization where the public can have access to them. they are much too important to just disappear.

Tom said...

Thanks Grieve.

Lindsay said...

@Jeremiah- Agreed. His photographs must be preserved for future generations. He has inspired and taught so many people through his photographs, that must be kept alive.

esquared™ said...

Someone also ought to take over and moderate his blogs (ask Blogger to hack into his account or whatnot, for there are comments pouring in). His blogs should remain up and be preserved and not deleted.

Melanie said...

I am glad Bob's blogs are up. I will read them often. The photography excells and his stories are great!!A master definately. I told him he was a Grandfather of blogging--he thought that made him sound too old. A great teacher--always had a helping way for people. He really helped other East Village bloggers with input and advice.

Laura Goggin Photography said...

I love that one of Hot Dog with the flower over her head. :)

Eden Bee said...

Great heart is still ton up about this.

Mr. Mister said...

I did the same thing last night. Rather, I went through all the pics of his that I had saved to my drive over the years. Found some real gems that made me laugh, wince, and smile all the same.

I had submitted NMNL to the Internet Archive back when Bob had initially "retired" a few months ago.

Not sure if they've been scraping the site.

The site should be archived, yes.

Anyone savvy enough to scrape the whole thing, photos and all? Perhaps set up a mirror of the site for posterity.

Anonymous said...

Does Bob have family? What's happening to his estate? I don't remember him every mentioning relatives. It would be a shame if a distant relative with no idea of his work just cleaned out his apartment without trying to preserve his work. Moving disorganized archives into an institute is tricky but I suspect there'd be enough interest in his work that someone--the labor library at NYU, the Ukrainian, even the NYPL--might be able to take it on even if there's no financial support to deal with it properly right now. I trust that someone who knows his work was close enough to Bob to help guide whoever is in charge of the estate. It would be a shame to see his work end up in a dumpster. Noooo, that can't happen. His archive is one of the best recent histories of the neighborhood, it's worth saving.

Jill said...

These are great choices, I could look at those photos for hours. There are so many great photos in there, he was incredibly prolific, but there was one of the strippers on one of Ray's birthdays that I thought I had downloaded but now I can't find it, and none of them on his blog are the one seered in my memory. I am killing myself over this photo. If only he was here to ask, he'd probably know exactly what I'm talking about. {Shakes fist at sky}