[Image via Google]
Longtime McDonald's signage watchers were treated yesterday to something new… as workers replaced the familiar (and colorful and at least 7-year-old) "Dollar Menu" on the marquee here on First Avenue near East Sixth Street…

[Photo by Vinny and O]
[Photo by EVG reader Rainer]
… to an admittedly more staid look featuring a pretty big Big Mac and more fries than can actually fit into the fry box…

McDonald's is reportedly moving away from its Dollar Menu, and emphasizing new, mid-priced items.
Please leave your comments on McDonald's new approach in the comments. (Sample discussion starters: Why is the box of fries upside down?)
Why is there a "pants optional" sign on the Subway next door? Not funny!
I have always liked the beams above the McD's, keeping the two neighbors from toppling onto the fast food place.
I like the new sign, it's a nice change of pace.
That's so Jared!
Does anyone remember how long this location has had their sidewalk extension? It eats up way too much pedestrian space in that location. I understand small businesses that need extra space to attract more customers, but find it annoying that a giant like McDonald's gets to steal space from the community like that; that area gets bottlenecks and I've never seen that McDonald's crowded enough to warrant them having that space to themselves.
Yeah! It's like the 13th Step minus the fighting, smoking, vomiting, and crowds.
@Anon. 10:45, the extension went in some time in the early 1990s. It was contentious even then; at the CB meeting where it was on the agenda, a number of people spoke against it, but the then-franchise holder, an African-American woman, cried racism, so the extension was approved. Been a pain ever since then.
A giant? Its owned by a franchise holder and employs locals. It been there longer most EV Grieve commenters have lived here. So stop the nonsense. The box of fries is upside down so you see the fries genius. Love the fries too.
The frys are being dumped out onto the tray. Duh.
Concerns about permanent provision of public sidewalk space for private business use are not nonsense. And yeah, what a great business it is, providing quality jobs to the community. (Sarcasm)
The fries look like some kind of squid with MCD's branding. I believe this place was here when I move to 6th street in 1981.
As opposed to the jobs you provide? Oh that's right you don't. 'Quality' jobs? This is a longtime business that pays taxes and doesn't sell stolen merchandise and employs locals. Sorry it's not artisanal or special enough for hipster douchebags. Oh well. You'll be gone soon enough.
"Sorry it's not artisanal or special enough for hipster douchebags."
What? Sounds like you've never worked minimum wage; maybe you'd have some compassion for your underpaid neighbors if you had.
On August 25, 2015 at 11:52 AM Gojira said...
@Anon. 10:45, the extension went in some time in the early 1990s. It was contentious even then; at the CB meeting where it was on the agenda, a number of people spoke against it, but the then-franchise holder, an African-American woman, cried racism, so the extension was approved. Been a pain ever since then.
Well, anyone who's critical of it is just a racist!
(But yeah, I wondered the circumstances that allowed that sidewalk space to be built.)
On August 25, 2015 at 1:48 PM, Anonymous said...
Concerns about permanent provision of public sidewalk space for private business use are not nonsense. And yeah, what a great business it is, providing quality jobs to the community. (Sarcasm)
$15 an hour? Yep, those are some quality jobs! If at least some of the money is getting spent in the community, then it's also enriching the community.
Maybe Philippe Petit can go up top and walk the beams
This McDonald's is owned by five ex 9th precinct cops. They have effectively taken over NYC property (the sidewalk) and turned it into their own real estate. I lived at 405 east 6th street when they made this into a restaurant. More than half of the enclosed dining room was/ is public sidewalk. How the fuck do they get away with this except by pure insider police insider corruption? No other restaurant would presume to make the sidewalk their dining room year round.
Have you ever walked by there the night they put out their enormous amount of McDonalds trash? Their dining room leaves about six feet of passage then the trash takes up another four feet.
Revoke their sidewalk permit! It's not their real estate. No other "sidewalk cafe" in the neighborhood has simply hijacked the sidewalk into their own enclosed restaurant. Make them take down the "sidewalk cafe" enclosure!
PS their emissions used to pour right into my bedroom. I pity the 405 east 6th street tenants.
How do they continue to get away with this shit? Oh wait, they are ex cops...
What I learned on evgreive today: Apparently only hipsters care about minuscule sidewalks, and pretty soon all of the hipsters (myself included) will be gone soon, which is great news as I've been trying to sell some real estate in the neighborhood for awhile now.
Scuba Dive,
$15 per hour? You mean the minimum wage in 2021? The minimum wage increase that these companies spent hundreds of thousands lobbying against? The minimum wage that goes into effect in SIX years?
Minimum wage is $8.75. People should know that.
Hideous sign for hideous business. The fries are upside down to cleverly illustrate how you will vomit them out. Pseudo food and so gross years back they made a big deal about cooking fries in vegetable oil without disclosing the fries were coated in lard and frozen first - unforgivable.
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