The Brooklyn Dark Hemp Bar — who bill themselves the first Hemp Bar in the United States — is now open at 9 St. Mark's Place between Second Avenue and Third Avenue. (They officially opened last Saturday, and have been handing out samples this past week.)
As the sign shows, they sell pastries, coffee, tea, etc. … using hemp seeds as an ingredient.

They also sell their signature chocolate bars, which you may have seen at various stores and food fairs.
The Hemp Bar's hours are 8 a.m. to midnight Monday-Friday; 11 a.m. to midnight Saturday-Sunday. You can read more about Brooklyn Dark at their website.
The address was previously home to I Am Coffee, which seemed to be open one day a week.
Downloading free samples NOW.
Oh Mr Revelator.....where DID you get the rainbow do?.....have your eyes always blinked red like that?.....what's that low spark coming out of your shoes?....and when did you get to be such a good-lookin'.....uhhh, ok I'm not sure WHAT you are, but you're good lookin'....
more free samples please
Of course it has Brooklyn branding...
Ha ha, now "soy-free" is a thing.
Wait, how is this legal? NY State only allows certain educational uses of hemp, selling in prohibited, and even growing it is very limited:
New York
McKinney's Agriculture and Markets Law § 505 to
Authorizes up to ten sites for the growing or cultivating of industrial hemp as part of an agricultural pilot program conducted by the department and/or an institution of higher education to study the growth and cultivation of such hemp provided that the sites used for growing or cultivating industrial hemp are certified by, and registered with, the department.
Prohibits the sale, distribution or export of industrial hemp grown or cultivated pursuant to this article.
@anon 1:46
Good catch. Hysterical
Talk about throwing in the kitchen sink of buzz words on their marketing: "Artisanal, Organic, Vegan, Gluten Free, Hemp Chocolate Classic Hemp, Open Sesame, Orange Silk, Moroccan Spice You are one chocolate away from a happier day!"
"Soy-free" has always been a thing.
Also, this is one of the few places to get their "Pop Star" bar, with kernels of popcorn in it; they don't sell it through retailers, and currently only sell it at locations represented by them.
In Spanglish it's even better: Yo soy soy-free.
It's also the only place to purchase their hydroponic tonic! Perfect for washing down their ingredient-free, hand-whipped Brooklyn air. A real bargain at $49 a jar if you ask me.
@Giovanni: I'd think it would be simpler: ¡Soy libre!
is this real ?
why must Brooklyn invade Manhattan….aren't those idiots happy over there paying more rent than us ?
BROOKLYN?! WTF?! They ought t change their name or go back where they came from.
s for hemp seeds--there's nothing illegal, or even interesting about them. They're certainly not psychoactive. You can buy bags of hemp seeds in health food store to sprinkle over your granola. If Brooklyn is making you think there's something taboo about them, they're taking you for a ride.
Rather have Sweet Tooth show up with the goods once again
Brooklyn is the latest in tired marketing buzzwords like "X-treme" or "Super Size." Everyone knows Brooklyn has been co-opted by fly over kidults looking to sell an "authentic experience" to other Millennial sheep.
I Am Coffee hadn't been open for at least six months, that I saw from across the street. They were nice guys, but once Mike left for France, their hear just wasn't in it.
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