The shop at 196 Avenue A between East 12th Street and East 13th Street is now closed.
We're not sure exactly when they shut down. A call to the shop reveals a disconnected number.
There had been some difficulties in the past. The Marshal seized the storefront in February 2012.
This is not entirely surprising. The owner told me more than once that he didn't think the neighborhood wanted a wine shop. I thought that was strange -- in the area you either have to go up to first or down to B for another liquor store -- but obviously he was right. The worst part is, 5 years from now, after all this construction is over, we'll be surrounded by rich condo owners who will want a wine store.
I live on 12th street and when I moved there 15 years ago I went to this shop but I never enjoyed it. I soon after found the shop on Ave B and have shopped there steadily since. I dread what might be coming to this storefront now, another sports bar, a drink to your drunk brunch restaurant, or a foodie ice-cream shop with busloads of tourists taking selfies out front.
I was here Thursday and go here often. No mention of impending close. We need a wine store around here! There was always customers in there.
Blame everyone who went to Trader Joe's. I always bought from there for a few more dollars b/c 1) they're open later then TJ's. If I need wine when TJ's is closed, I'm screwed and 2) It's 2 blocks away instead of 8.
Being a consumer in 2015 is a pain in the ass. Gone are the days when you could just be a simple consumer in the microeconomic sense, meaning your purchases were all about maximizing your own utility. Now though it's not enough. You have to carefully consider the character and worthiness of the proprietor and make all kinds of moral and value judgments, how your purchases today might effect future generations in your community. In 2015 there is so much to consider besides the price tag. No wonder everyone's buying from Amazon. That's where this is all headed probably.
The thing I always hated about that shop was that they skunked the cold wine. Every night they turned off the refrigerated cooler at the back, to save on electricity I guess, but once I found that out I never bought anything from the cooler again because I knew it had been chilled and warmed repeatedly.
Walked past it a couple of times, you get hooked to your normal shop then that's it. Me, it's the one on 9th and A.
fine spot for liquor, but pretty terrible wine selection. I'd rather walk to Discovery on B or all the way to Astor for better selection. The entire stretch of A past 10th street is pretty uninspiring when it comes to stores/restaurants. I think another issue many forget is competition. You can't just be in business, you have to be good at it. Ha!
This place is just around the corner from me - I'm pretty much just a wine drinker when it comes to booze so I would hit it on occasion purely for the convenience.
I found the customer service, however, to be terrible. Just always felt like I got the cold-shoulder, no eye contact, as if I were an annoyance, taking up their time while they took my money.
I am a die-hard East Village Wine fan, on First between St. Mark's and 9th Street. it's a full-fledged liquor store but with a huge wine selection and knowledgeable staff. Also, join the Wine Club for free and get one bottle free after every ten wine purchases. The current proprietor, Imran, ask conducts free wine-tastings on Friday evenings, usually with cheese, etc.
Local biz, with local folks. And everybody is HAPPY to see you!
this place always sucked and the owner was grouchy and unaccommodating. I heard the building is getting sold... so isn't about lack of need. it's about whatever deal is about to go down.
Huge selection? When I went there for some sherry they had a selection of 2 or 3 bottles. And don't you love stores that have any annoying buzzer every time a customer enters? I will have to try one of the tastings.
The owner was just not into it.
He preferred to read his book instead of talk to customers.
I tried really hard to be a customer.
The guys at Bee Liquors across from Mona's are the best.
Terrible selection Of wine!!!!
Way overpriced & the staff was not helpful. I mostly get the same brand wine & found this place $3-4 more a bottle for a bottle in the $20 range as compared to Bee Lqiquors on Ave B between 13th & 14th.
Shot today on Avenue B and 10th Street. ©Timothy Greenfield-Sanders
To Timothy who left the Dropbox link in the comments... do you know what happened there?
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