Goggla shares these photos of a young (immature!) red-tailed hawk that has been hanging around Tompkins Square Park and Avenue A the past few days...

Goggla notes that there have been several young hawks migrating through the area this winter. Since Christmas, she can confirm three different ones in/around the Park... and for whatever reasons Christo, the Park's resident red-tailed hawk, has been unusually tolerant of this one...
Maybe he's depressed from missing his girl....
There was a young one hanging out in the tree outside my bedroom window over the weekend - I couldn't understand why my freshly-filled bird feeder and fire escape strewn with seed, nuts, peanut butter, and mealworms weren't attracting a single hungry feathered or furry visitor until I saw that gorgeous red and cream presence sitting patiently on a branch, waiting...(It left after a while, having had no success.)
As long as he doesn't blast horrible house music at all hours of the night, and fulfills his daily rat-eviscerating quota, he's welcome to stay as long as he likes.
Thanks, Goggla, for all the great fotos!
Goggla/Grieve, I'm curious - when Christo is not feeling so tolerant of interlopers, what does he do?
@1:22 - I just did a post on that subject: http://bit.ly/2DcQyCv
Christo mostly screams and chases the hawks away, but he also lunges at them. Defending the territory was also Dora's job and she may have gotten hurt engaging in conflict like this.
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