Crews filming for season two of the HBO series "The Deuce" are learning about a common problem in the neighborhood ... an EVG reader spotted this sign on a trailer parked on Third Street and Avenue A...

It's a rather lyrical note ...
Please check your feet
Dog Poo !!!
All over the place
Thank you Timmy!!!
Dog Poo !!!
All over the place
Thank you Timmy!!!
(Also, register to vote.)
Since we've become the new Williamsburg with beards, babies and bow-wows... sure. I guess between the L train problem and high rents, these nouveau EVers have brought along their... and it's on our sidewalks. Just an observation.
It’s sad around here when you step in poo, your first reaction is “I hope that’s dog poo”.
There was a steaming pile yesterday in front of my building on 12th street. I think the culprits were heading to the dog cafe.
It's the summer travelers/crusties, they always travel in packs with dogs, and I've never seen them clean up after their dog shits in the middle of a busy sidewalk.
Last week I observed a girl, maybe around 18, definitely old enough to know better, walking a little dog and leaving its poop right in front of my apartment. I watched close enough to determine that it was not a case of running out of baggies. Her only intention was to leave the poop right there and walk away. Judging by her demeanor, not a care in the world about it, never in a million years would occur to her that there's something wrong with the picture. Obviously I was pretty appalled and I am just recounting the incident here to point out that bad dog owners seem to represent the entire demographic of dog owners. It's not just crusties and the scum of society who are neglecting to pick up poop. It's respectable-seeming people too. I am a dog owner too by the way.
it's not just the crusties. it's the yuppies. and i call them out every time i see them just walk away from it. you should, too.
You didn't call that girl out? Damn son. It's like the most basic responsibility. How can you not pick up your dogs crap? I pick up other dogs crap even if it's on my block. If I already have the bag out, might as well.
Being a dog owner I’ve always got bags in my pockets...... even when I’m without the dogs.
On more than one occasion I have encountered people walking away from their dogs poop. I happily extend a bag and with a smile say “you must be out of bags”. The reaction is priceless.
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