This past Saturday morning, city workers swooped in and cut down a
beautiful willow tree on the corner of Avenue C and Ninth Street in
La Plaza Cultural. I happened by minutes after the workers left. I spoke with someone who lives nearby. A branch had fallen earlier that morning in the high winds. So the whole tree was cut down "just in case." This resident didn't think that was necessary.

that's terrible--arborcide???
Arborcide...yes, that about describes it!
That breaks my heart. Did you know that you have to be licensed (I don't know by who, maybe Parks Dept) to trim city trees. Any old jerk isn't allowed to do it. But I'll bet any old jerk could get a license for a small fee. (Correct me if I'm wrong, I don't want to be dissing any ethical tree trimmers out there.)
Hmmm...makes sense, Jill...The person who watched this come down told me they did it lickety-split. All the more heartbreaking...
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