According to the posted signs... the crew will be parking their "vehicles and campers" (woo! cookout!) on Seventh Street between First Avenue and Avenue B, St. Mark's between First Avenue and Avenue A, and Ninth Street between First Avenue and Avenue A.
And check out the fine print!
"Please be aware we are filming at night. We will have black duvetyne on site in case our lighting set-ups rake the sides of buildings."
Super! I'll sleep better knowing there's black duvetyne at the ready!
For further reading:
Last night, Date Night (BoweryBoogie)
i've been duvetyned in the past. some little PA comes over, stands on your bed, and covers your windows with the stuff.
Last time I was duvetyned, I had to go to the bathroom about 15 minutes later.
is that really a word - duvetyne?
I thought duvetyne was a chewing gum. Like Dentyne! (BOOOO, I know.)
wait, i'm confused. "will be parking ...between 1st and A/B" but "will be filming in vicinity of west broadway".
wtf? forgot to change memo address? whats going on? that far of a walk? wtf?! whatevs. coffee now.
I'm with you, ak... guess they forgot to update the boilerplate letter.
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