Monday, May 14, 2012

And how was your weekend?

A few observations via Twitter... perhaps we'll make this a weekly Monday feature.


Jeff said...

I must be getting old. What does "riding the white horse" mean? I can only think of snorting coke or (in a phone booth) having sex standing up, but then, why not just say so?

Marty Wombacher said...

@Jeff: I am old and I think it's referring to heroin, as in "Pure horse, book 'em Danno," but I could be wrong.

Jeff said...

Thanks Marty!

I've been virtually 'tripping' with you and I KNOW you're not old. Hard enough keeping up with you even from the couch!

Anonymous said...

helpful. thanks. kinda like trying to do the crossword and not getting it, not getting it, maybe getting it, not getting it, and the frustration grows until finally peeking at the secret answers