Sunday, May 8, 2022

Welcoming baby Isabella Jane

Photos by Stacie Joy 

A happy Mother's Day to mothers everywhere...

The East Village has a new resident, born in an at-home water bath on Third Street near Avenue B.

Isabella Jane was born to her parents, Juana and Edward Rivera, on April 15, and she weighs in at six pounds, eight ounces, and is just about 19 inches long. East Village-based midwife Cara Muhlhahn assisted in the delivery; she was present for all four of the family’s births.
Also in attendance were Edward, Jr., 9; Rex, 5; and Luna, 2, plus grandparents and extended family.
Welcome, Isabella Jane!

Previously on EV Grieve:

1 comment:

Felton Davis said...

There it is, right there for all to see: LIFE IS SACRED. One honest gaze at a newborn, and all that "my body, my choice" nonsense goes out the window. Not that I want abortion to be illegal, only that unwanted pregnancies are the real problem, leading to unwanted children. Laws are unable to impact that dismal reality, only an across-the-board spiritual revolution. And yes, men have to be responsible for their behavior, that has to be part of the new equation. The (all male) Supreme Court of 1973 tried to balance all of this, and their compromise decision held though it was not universally admired. Now how is a Supreme Court that cannot make torture and indefinite detention on Guantánamo illegal, going to bring any clarity to the issue of abortion? No more empty polarization, and no more screaming at each other from opposite sides of the barricades. Let us talk it out, listen to each other, and grow. Otherwise no child anywhere will have a future, and America sinks down into terminal morass.