Thanks to an EV Grieve reader for pointing out that Dolphin Gym on Avenue B near Second Street has closed effective last night... the sign explains it all...

The reader echoed my sentiments: I don't know how the owners can expect to rent out a basement space under a Duane Reade for much...
It's horrible that Dolphins on Avenue B closed. Now the Dolphins on 4th street is packed and you can never get a machine. Even at 7 AM in the morning it is packed!
Went by there last night, just as the guys were closing up shop. Someone had already started moving some of the equipment out. Apparently the employees found out that morning. They were really apologetic even though it's obviously out of their hands and not their fault. I'm a member but I never go. I feel bad for my boyfriend though. He's there all the time.
This is not going to be good for 4th street. But maybe they'll take the best machines of Avenue B and removed the crappy ones from 4th street. You know, the cardio machines that are mostly rusty and have those neat, tiny little "out or order" stickers on them.
these landlords are completely out of control. i have never seen such greedy, inconsiderate and idiotic maneuvers such as the crap that passes for BAU around here.
ludlow fitness is probably happy...
Actually the space below the Duane Reade (soon to be Walgreens)just might rent for a lot. Think of how many Duane Reades in this city occupy two floors. Also, how does this imply greed on the landlord's part? Is Dolphin not a business too? Last I checked it was not a charity established for the greater good of the EV/LES. Saying that the landlord is greedy is like saying someone is out of line for asking for a pay raise. That said, this is too bad. The Dolphin will be missed.
I blame Leon. I'll bet he was rude to the landlord and the landlord got sick of it. I know everybody else did.
I'm crushed! I just got suited-up to work out and went to the Dolphin website to make sure they were still open. Boy, are they closed! The venue has already been removed from their site and I am (shamefully) five blocks too far--mentally and physically--from my gym! RIP!
i have this recurring fantasy that they'll open a Crunch on Avenue C.
I think they'd get a lot of business if they did, but they just keep opening them within 3 blocks of each other.
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