For nearly three years, our favorite empty lot probably anywhere (dubbed the Mystery Lot by Curbed) on 13th and 14th Street off Third Avenue
included an ad for (
Awesome one-off buy!)

Now, in recent weeks,
we just noticed that the ad has been removed...

Does this finally mean a dreaded "for sale" sign will appear?
Please no!Previously.
Ah, the site of the late, lamented (at least by me) Jefferson Theater, with its headless gargoyle sconces staring blindly down onto 14th Street...
Yes, that was the site of the Jefferson, along with the Gas Light Café next door. The Millstein real estate family had a fight after the demolition, so this lot has been fallow ever since. What was the fucking rush to level these buildings????
I was able to sneak into the Jefferson before they demolished, as a crew stripped the interior of its architectural gems (railings, fixtures, etc.) -- though in disrepair, the place was absolutely beautiful!!
This place should have been preserved by a Landmarks Commission with TEETH, composed of real New Yorkers who give a damn about our culture and history.
Well, I can always dream, can't I?
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