It's actually from Saturday... EVG reader Brion Bonkowski took this on Third Avenue at East Ninth Street... certainly not the first time this has likely happened...

... just the first time that we happened to see it.
So, does this mean we need a Citi Bikes program for kids too?
Bad parent!
Whoa. That is so unbelievably dangerous. I can't believe someone would do that.
When riding a CitiBike you are actually supposed to put the child in the basket facing forwards so they can warn the parent to stop texting whenever a taxi or senior citizen swerves in front of them. Also it is illegal to have more than three children at a time on the handlebars unless they are infants, in which case you are allowed to have four. Doesn't anyone read the instructions anymore?
Pretty sure that kid exceeds the recommended weight limit for that flimsy little rack. It's meant for a briefcase at most. Lord please have mercy on us, we are emptyheaded fools, even those of us charged with the care of little ones.
Cough. Darwin award. Cough.
proving th ehypothesis that people who ride Citi Bikes have small brains.
I hope this kid's mother sees this photo and does something about it. This is terrifying.
well, at least the knucklehead is riding WITH traffic...
I saw a grown woman, an Italian tourist, getting into the basket to prove to her boyfriend that they only need to rent one bike. Her wriggling out was the most exciting part.
I'm a bad parent too. In the early '90s my husband used to take our twins to Little Missionaries Nursery School on St. Mark's on his folding bike. One in the front and one in the back (and it finally broke). Whoa, don't even mention all of the obscene flyers promoting local bands with cringe-worthy names plastered on lampposts we exposed our kids to. Our kids turned out great by the way.
Eh, I'm sure he lived. I've seen worse.
I'm waiting for the pic of at least 3 0r 4 on one bike...
C'mon fratboys & pumpettes don't fail me now~!~
I had actually seen this too... except it was a litte girl facing the other direction! WTF, can't they get arrested for that?!
Who needs a helmet when you can put a little human airbag on the front of your CitiBike? Maybe someone will try tying grandma to the front next as a human bumper. Seriously, the kid in the pic has no helmet on and is riding in a basket which is not designed for people to ride in? Someone call child services!
When I drive my car, I like to put my two year old on the roof. you know, cause it looks cool.
What's the big deal? This is how they do it in every other country. Americans are snobby and ignorantly in everyone else's business. Get a hobby and stop criticizing people who are probably more equipped to have children than you. (Do any of you even have kids??)
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