A little earlier today on East Fifth Street at the Bowery... from the rear, it appears that the movers are pushing just another Mickey Mouse statue... but from the front...

Word is Mickey was decor for a party at the East Village Standard... (And is this Andre Saraiva's work?)
Photos by Marjorie Ingall...
ZOMG so edgy and subversive. NOT!
Ooooo let's write our name upside down. We're so cool.
Are those guys from Moishe's movers, or from the bakery on 2nd avenue?
Mickey Mouse with an erection is what's now edgy??? Ugh.,.
Mickey is currently in a cell at Ninth Precinct on charges of indecent exposure. Disneyland has no comment on the matter.
LOL @ what must've been going through these movers' minds "We have to move a statue of Mickey Mouse out of Tompkins Square Park because someone gave him a boner."
This artist wants to join the ranks of Jeff Koons in taking obvious cultural icons, fuck with them and consider it genius. It's not.
Anonymous 10:25, I hate you.
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