Just noting the recent reveal of part of The Neighborhood School and PS 63 on Third Street between Avenue A and First Avenue ...

Back in June, everyone finally had enough of the three-year renovation via the aptly named Kafka Construction company ... Per The Neighborhood School’s Health and Safety Committee:
The co-located elementary schools ... have been covered in scaffolding for three years, blocking all sunlight into classrooms and creating a neighborhood eyesore. Local politicians and DOE officials who toured the schools in early June were shocked by what they found. It was enough to compel the SCA to take “drastic actions,” firing Kafka and bringing in an emergency contractor to complete the work, ostensibly by the beginning of next school year.
While there's still work to do, parents have said they are pleased by some progress...

The Department of Education are reportedly banning the Queens-based Kafka from taking new jobs with the city School Construction Authority for at least two years.
Icing on the cake...rumor has it Kafka is suing the city for removing them from the job.
We have a similar situation with the school on E 11 and E12 between Ave A and First Ave. The scaffolding has been up for at least as long with a small crew doing brickwork until late at night and weekends. What's the deal? Is there no one managing or overseeing this project?
Ditto. School and city definitely being taken advantage of, if a contracting company can't provide more than 2-3 guys a night how can they win the bid and keep the project??
The sad part of this construction work is that the same work was done 20 years ago. What is going on? These rebuilds cost a fortune. Why are we rebuilding after rebuilding. How bad are these construction companies? It would be cheaper for the DOE to assign 1 inspector to the project to make sure of quality work than have to spend what a hundred million for the work in 20 years? God, how bad is this city run. Where are the politicians?!
For school construction at 11th and 12th between A and First- call NY school construction authority- Mr. Tuzzulo: 718 752 5226. Light a fire.
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