Monday, January 4, 2021

Juvenile attention

There have been reports of an immature (juvenile!) red-tailed hawk in the area... especially along Sixth Street, where Kevin R. Frech got a good upclose look. 

Steven shared this photo below ... taken at the Sixth Street and Avenue B Community Garden ... (click on the image for a better view) ...
I asked Goggla if this might be one of the 2020 offspring of Amelia and Christo, the resident red-tailed hawks of Tompkins Square Park ... not sure! 

As always, check out Goggla's site here for all your hawk needs and news!


Anonymous said...

There is a young hawk visitng in our narrow courtyard between 7th and Saint Marks. I've seen more mature ones visiting in the past couple of months. Sometimes I see three fly together, which I thought was a bit unusual. But what do I know...

Anonymous said...

I've been watching this hawk from the 6th street side all week - she had a hearty squab breakfast before the New Year. We're worried the hawk might hit the multiple strings of 1000 watt party lights 331-333 E 5th St Corporation hung up in mid air through-out the yard at the 2nd floor level, almost as if they want to break its wings.

Anonymous said...

Nature is incredible, that
little bird sure blends in
with the tree.

Anonymous said...

Spotted in courtyard between St. Mark's and 9th St. east of 2nd Ave. Missed the photograph by 3 seconds.

Anonymous said...

These flying critters of prey hanging out in the EV are mostly likely responsible for the fewer number of pigeons and rodents in the area compared to the previous years.