Shockers! An EV Grieve operative reports that a
used book store is opening at the former
Etherea Records space on Avenue A between Fifth Street and Fourth Street... A crew was working on the space this past weekend... opening date expected around May 1...
Wow. A used book store
and a fishmonger opening soon on Avenue A...? I'll be passing out in the corner now for a few minutes.
I wonder if it will be a specialist bookstore? Seems rather small for a generalist store. Whatever it will be--unless it's religious or parenting--I'm happy to have a bookstore nearby.
Good point, BaHa. Hope to get more information soon. I have to say I'm pleasantly surprised by this... I was expecting another nail salon.
a miracle!
A bookstore OPENING. Great news.
W.O.W. I still miss blackout books on B and it seems like a lifetime has passed since then... it's been a LOOOOONG time since we got a bookstore. Yay!
Maybe we'll get an apothecary next!
The Library Angel and King Neptune themselves have taken pity on us, and sent us these wondrous gifts...books to be read, yummy cod and sole and shrimp to be eaten...can't wait!
Remember what SuperDive was just before it turned into SuperDive? A bookstore.
And the fishmonger? Open til 2am with a full bar. Sounds fishy.
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