You remember that it went from this...

to this...
At last look, the building's prices had been reduced anywhere from 10 to 20 percent. Well, that worked. According to Streeteasy, all the units have been sold. But! Don't despair... there is one unit available as a rental: A two-bedroom, floor-through loft with a soaking tub and "and floor-to-ceiling closets that will hold the largest of wardrobes!" Priced to rent at $6,800.
Meanwhile, the roof deck was one of the things about 229 that intrigued us. We just saw glimpses of it from the street.
But we found a few photos at various sites...
Complete with priceless renderings...
Hot tubbing!
Finally, according to the DOB, the ground floor will be used for a community facility. Will they have hot tub access?
Previously on EV Grieve:
Million dollar condos hit the market on East Second Street
229 E. Second St. sprouts a roof deck
Cutting condo prices by 20 percent on East Second Street
scalies! and seagulls? how california.
so funny that those fake people are called scalies.
Roof decks with roof dorks. Priceless.
I would like to know what is going to happen with the vacant lot/garbage-y sculpture garden right next door. Any ideas?
To Ethel, 10:34AM post:
If there is any justice in this world, the owner of that lot will sell it to a developer, who then would proceed to construct a 27 story luxury high-rise. Ideally, this would take about 2 years to complete with a 6 day work week.
Rub a dub in the hot tub! Gonna set me free. Good God!
I live next door to that place, Once they started the project to tear down the garage, It has been the bain of my existence. Construction went on for years... and once people moved in, it was like they came from one of the obnoxious bars on Ave B, to continue their loud frat style drunk parties to all hours of the morning. One guy walks in circles in the back yard, doing his blackberry conference calls. He's working this start-up, that would be the "open table" for people wanting to order drinks at a bar or club, while they're in the cab coming over. He just paces back and forth explaining his business plan over and over again. all hours of the night and day. Ignoring the neighbors telling him to shut up.
The world is theirs and the fake people in the brochure have more humanity than the scum that live there. We got gunfights and break-in's and that's easier to deal with than this sh*t.
You hope for the best,for the people moving in. But these people need to get their faces smeared with what's left of this neighborhood.
As a rapidly aging baby boomer, didn’t hot tubs jump the shark around 1979? Hipster indeed!
If they are supposed to have a community center in the ground floor that indicates they got a giant tax break to build this. Because, you know, developers are just scraping by and need taxpayer assistance.
Anonymous 6:48 - Any way you can dump a large pot of water on the head of Blackberry Man? Turn your lights off, and the second you launch it close yr window and he'll never know where it came from. Or if you want more precision, egg him.
other neighbors were talking about something along those lines. more so for the parties. Blackberry throws them too. Lots of upward mobiles...
I think his partner doesn't want him doing business in the house, and so he's forced to bother everyone else who might have their window open.
Granted, not much from them in this weather.
As i see new store fronts being prettied up on 2 & B, I'm not sure what's up with this little corner of the world.
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