[EVG file photo]
As previously reported, Wagamama, the London-based chain of Japanese restaurants, is coming to 55 Third Ave.
The applicants opening this location are on CB3's SLA committee docket this month for a beer-wine license. (This item, however, will NOT be heard during Monday's meeting.)
The questionnaire (PDF!) on file at the CB3 website offers a few details about the space.
For starters, the hours will be 11 a.m. to midnight daily. In addition, it looks to be a decent-size food space with 23 tables seating 93 patrons plus "12 stools by food counter." There is also a bar with 19 stools, per the questionnaire. (This Wagamama will also employ 40 people, the documents show.)
This will be the second Wagamama location in Manhattan. The first is opening on Fifth Avenue in a 3-story space overlooking Madison Square Park.
The Japanese-inspired, London-based chain of pan-Asian casual eateries (as the Post put it) has 140 locations around the world.
The current tenant, M2M, the Asian grocery that opened in 2002 here at the corner of 11th Street, is expected to relocate in the neighborhood when the lease is up early next year. No word when Wagamama might open then.
Who needs supermarkets and hospitals when we can get more bars!
WTF is happening to our city?
Well at least M2M will have a large group of empty storefronts to choose from, thanks to the new class of landlords more interested in profits than in neighborhood stability.
A bar with 19 seats? Why not just a bar and have the patrons order in... since booze is the reason a restaurant exits? Isn't that their excuse for a full license?
Hey, the students won't even have to even cross the avenue to visit a bar! Can we make the students any more comfortable?!
@8:56am: Our city has been (past tense: it's a done deal) given over to developers. And now we're in the process of seeing the E. Village become wall-to-wall bars.
Why not just install alcohol-dispensers on every corner (an add-on to LinkNYC?), so everyone can get a drink any time they want?
Pretty soon we will be like the UK, where getting falling-down drunk (or admitted-to-the-ER drunk) is like a perverse sport for people under 25.
Personally, I'd recommend investing in facilities that do liver-transplants, b/c a lot of these kids are going to need one down the road.
Hate to see M2M go. Pipe dream for sure... but it would be very cool if they were to reclaim the former JAS Mart space (nee 7/11) on St. Marks. As for Wagamama, always eat there when in London. It's quite good.
Everything around us is changing so rapidly. For the first time, in a long time, I am contemplating leaving the city for good. Everything here is so hard. Getting jobs, apartments, partners, and so forth. I feel like I am running a marathon. Everything is becoming more expensive. Its impossible to make a connection. People are too busy. People are too important. New places are coming in. I am 41 and I miss the old NY :(
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