The stenciled painting titled "Story of My Life" by Logan Hicks has been on the Houston/Bowery Mural Wall for less than two weeks... and the work has now been tagged twice in the last few days...
Goldman Properties, who owns the space, has been quick to clean up the tags... Will be interesting to see if this escalates to the level of Shepard Fairey hating in 2010.
We should build a wall around the wall to protect it.
Shouldn't have torn down 5Pointz.... #RIP
It's faux street art and its getting dissed for good reason
It's boring faux street art and is getting dissed for a reason. Case Closed.
Just because you don't like, agree or think street art is cool it dines't mean you have the right to destroy it.
I don't think the tagging is cool.
This piece is for us to enjoy-Represents a local guy's family, friends and love for the area. I'm down with that.
Weakass wackass tags and not even.
Shit reads pussy too scared to throw up a real piece.
Where the FUCK are COST and REVS???
Why do you insist on using euphemisms for vandalism? Or do you think using "tagging" is neutral, and you're not taking a position?
A childish, jealous outburst from taggers who's skill level has peaked a very long time ago and want to destroy a reminder of something they'll never have the talent, creativity or ability to create. We got your message loud and clear.
All kinds of euphemisms come to mind when thinking about how to deal with these self-righteous arbiters of authentic street art, e.g. taking out the trash. Because that what anyone who would deface someone else's work like this is, a piece of fucking trash, inside and out, and you don't belong in this neighborhood. In fact, you don't belong anywhere within a 1,000 miles of running water. So go climb back up whatever tree you fell out of.
The tag says Blake, which rhymes with Snowflake, which means this toy tagger is a Millennial who doesn't care about anything but himself.
Snowflakes are millennials...?
Here's my tag...it's virtual, so you have to just think about it, really prepare yourself, and visualize it in your mind.
Look at all the hipster, millenials, and both whining about graf the developer has the money to erase. You want murals that won't be fucked with, have them indoors. I don't think it's nice to tag someone's art - actually, I think it's a punk bitch thing to do - but it is what it is. When it comes to the street, anything can happen (I'm not condoning anything but again it is what it is.)
Fuck "street art". Pretentious shit. Shut up and just do it. Many of you artists have co-opted murals and us natives don't like it. We also don't like how your shit is ok and acknowledged but others aren't. And how most of you are white and/or from somewhere else, and you get approval, permission, props when you merely are just in with the right person/people and/or cuz you're white.
Mural creating should be inclusive: natives and/or nonwhite people, too, not just transplants and/or white people. Erase the perception that it's not just Sebastian from Portland, OR with a beard and a plaid shirt making murals and you'll erase or at the defacements.
I believe Futura was the last artist who painted a mural. They've done a pretty good job curating a wide scope of artists.
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