Much to the delight of motorists, pedestrians, cyclists, skateboarders and exhaust systems, that last stretch of Cooper Square between Fifth Street and Fourth Street has its new asphalt ... (as well as Fourth Street between Broadway and Second Avenue)...
The crew left the equipment out in case you see any spots they missed. (The keys are hidden in a compartment in the smokebox.)

Maybe they should keep milling and paving... the rest of the Bowery could used a new roadway...

According to the Astor Place-Cooper Square Reconstruction Newsletter (PDF), workers will be putting the pavement markings on the new asphalt next week.
I loved it when I came across it yesterday.
It's amazing that living in NYC can make something so basic as "smooth streets" feel like a luxury.
Feels really nice after two years....
There is nothing but good to say about this renovation. This area makes sense for the first time in over a hundred years.
I pass through this every day. I disagree and would say that there's nothing good to say about this renovation.
It's just another city space to park a second rate circus.
Agree with 3:33. It looks all nice and smooth, but I don't really like it. It looks like the opposite of traffic-calming. I.e. I fear that cars are going to be ripping through here at higher speeds now.
I spent ten years walking through this intersection to get to work and I swear it was torn up the entire time. I dreaded crossing the street here as it was always so dangerous. What a luxury to finally have a smooth surface, and I can't tell you how happy I am to finally have a crossing signal at 6th Street.
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