And now... Hello 238 E. Fourth St.! Well, over here between Avenue A and Avenue B the former one-level construction company razed to become home a multi-million-dollar penthouse by the world-famous Bob and Cortney Novogratz is now in full view...
Is this a garage for a mini-Cooper? (There is a driveway left from the Construction Company that had this address before....)
The owner of 238 E. Fourth St., design writer Sue Hostetler, will live on the first four floors.
The upper-level, "magazine-ready" penthouse is going for $3.75 million... Dunno if that price includes periodic visits by the "9 By Design" troop...

These people are a blight to any neighborhood! Their property on Centre Market has trash strewn in front of it constantly and they are the only ones on their block not to have the sidewalk shoveled when it snows over the years they have lived there. Pure reality TV trash through and through!
Uh, pretty bland facade, but then you get to the bottom and the symmetry goes all to hell- why bother with scaling the upper floors and then screw up the garage???
Fugly to the nth degree.
What an awful building. Really? Are you kidding me?
Those doors are going to be hell to clean graffiti off of.
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