Thursday, February 2, 2012

Tacos Morelos will be back very soon

That's what a reader asked the other night after discovering the food-cart favorite was not at its usual outpost on Second Street and Avenue A...

We noticed it during this past weekend... Anyway, the delivery bike is still there...

We talked with someone at the Jackson Heights outpost ... and he explained that they just had some paperwork to take care of regarding the cart (kinda paraphrasing here, and it's nothing serious — just routine paperwork) ... and he expected to have the cart back tonight or tomorrow morning...


abrod said...

a taco truck has shown up on the corner of 2nd ave and 4th st right around the same time Morelos disappeared though.... not sure if the two have anything to do with each other.

Vivienne said...

I seriously went into a panic the other evening when I went to the spot the truck is usually parked at and it wasn't there! I love that truck so much (best authentic Mexican food in Manhattan). I called them though and they said they would be back up by Friday. Whew.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

My boyfriend LOVES them so hopefully they'll be back before he notices their absence! He said one of the guys places the food in the container so carefully, so artfully. Nice!

Anonymous said...

We made our first visit there a few days ago on the way home. It was amazing! My girlfriend got the vege tacos and I the chicken. It was some of the best Mexican food in the area.

Who knew?

Dr Gecko said...

The truck on 2nd Ave and 4th St is Idolo, not Morales. The menu is better at Idolo, at least if you like organ meats, but we really have to patronize both. Or I do, at least.