Just two more former storefronts — those of Lobster Joint and Tim Horton's — remain standing along East Houston between Orchard and Ludlow so that Ben Shaoul's 10-story retail-residential complex with an Equinox gym can rise.

However, as the Commercial Observer reported last week, there is a slight hitch here: The board of the six-story condo at 179 Ludlow Street (see the arrows below!) hasn't responded to Shaoul's request for "non-invasive pre-construction survey" at the building.
Shaoul has reportedly asked the Supreme Court of the State of New York to grant his reps a limited license to access the Ludlow Street condos.

Finally, as you know, Katz's, who sold their air rights, will remain in its longtime home.
Previously on EV Grieve:
Making way for Ben Shaoul's new retail-residential complex on East Houston
Katz's is now the last business on East Houston between Ludlow and Orchard
The LES, meaning below Houston will be a dark forest someday as more and more towers fill its narrow streets. Most of Manhattan does ok with sunlight during the average day due to wide avenues which do not exist on several of these streets. Most people moving into these new buildings on lower floors will have the same gray all day light as is they are looking into a air shaft.
Who cares.. as long as there is air conditioning
Thanks for the arrows, EV!!!
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