Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Gov. Cuomo lifts COVID restrictions; local vaccination rates top 65%

As you likely saw/read yesterday (pretty much everywhere), Gov. Cuomo announced that COVID-19 restrictions were immediately being lifted as 70 percent of New Yorkers age 18 or older have received the first dose of their COVID-19 vaccination series. (Read the fine print here.)

How is the vaccination progress faring in the East Village and adjacent neighborhoods? The NYC Department of Health provides a map of vaccinations by zip code

Here's a look at zip codes in this area for adults age 18 and over:

Partially vaccinated: 72.4 percent 
Fully vaccinated: 66 percent 

Partially vaccinated: 71.4 percent 
Fully vaccinated: 65 percent 

Partially vaccinated: 81.2 percent 
Fully vaccinated: 73 percent

And moving forward here's what the lifting of restrictions means, per the State:
The State's health guidance and New York Forward industry-specific guidelines — including social gathering limits, capacity restrictions, social distancing, cleaning and disinfection, health screening and contact information for tracing — are now optional for retail, food services, offices, gyms and fitness centers, amusement and family entertainment, hair salons, barber shops and personal care services, among other commercial settings. 

Unvaccinated individuals continue to be responsible for wearing masks, in accordance with federal CDC guidance. Consistent with the State's implementation of the recent CDC guidance, masks are still required for unvaccinated individuals. Further, the State's health guidelines continue to be in effect for large-scale indoor event venues, pre-K to grade 12 schools, public transit, homeless shelters, correctional facilities, nursing homes, and health care settings per CDC guidelines.
Everyone 12 years of age and older is now eligible to get a COVID-19 vaccination. You can find appointments at this site.


Anonymous said...

Andrew Cuomo, the King of New York State, announced that most restrictions will be lifted now that the vaccination rate has reached 70% statewide which seems confusing to me given the different rates for each county and region, some of them less than 70%. He was telling that businesses may want to implement stricter protocols if they choose to do so.

Also, equally confusing and out of place, yet fascinating, our king was talking about the different regions in New York State and their respective vaccination rates in Downtown Manhattan. The state's capitol in Albany would have been a more appropriate venue regarding this statewide announcement theme. By the way, Hamilton County up by the Adirondacks or North Country has the highest vaccination rates statewide, we're talking about a small population of a few thousand people.

Anonymous said...

Does this mean the outdoor dining sheds that have taken over our sidewalks and streets can go? I am sick of the noise and being unable to get down the sidewalk on my block because of all the outdoor dining.

Anonymous said...

Haven't you heard DeBlas is pushing hard to make the permanent!

Neighbor said...

Outdoor dining sheds are a fantastic addition to the city and should be permanent. If there are issues with noise then the noise should be addressed and we shouldn't use a hammer where a scalpel is sufficient.

Anonymous said...

Outdoor dining needs to shut down at 11 to cut the noise, while indoor goes longer. But yeah, it’s a far better use of the streets over parking.

Anonymous said...

Yeah I'm pretty over them. But sounds like we will have to wait for the new mayor to deal with it. The streets are filthy because sweepers cant get straight shot and parking is more brutal now then ever for those of us who actually need cars to like work and earn a living.

Neighbor said...

@6:45pm, the public utility derived from the hundreds of people using these spaces for enjoyment, coupled with the increased revenue derived by businesses in desperate need, is immensely higher than one person using a public asset for free. you needing to drive to work doesn't mean you deserve a free place to park your car.

Anonymous said...

The shed land grab man they're are so many more establishments that have made life miserable for tenants who live above or near them, refusing to turn down music, refusing to clear sidewalks so that people can enter buildings than the one's that did not, it's time for an reassessment of the situation concerning the sheds. maybe those establishments that had no 311 calls can keep em'

All of us deserve consistent peace in our homes and ease when walking

Anonymous said...

The quality of life for me and my neighbors has been ruined by the three outdoor dining sheds on our block. They all have speakers and play loud music and the patrons booze it up and don't care about all us long timers who have lived here for decades. There is no regulation regarding the noise and it is miserable for everyone who has to deal with it. The city isn't going to do anything to help us. They are giving everything to the restaurants because of hospitality alliance is so powerful. I used to admire Carlina Rivera but she has done nothing to answer our pleas for help.

Anonymous said...

Someone commented on the outside sheds and not being able to cross the street. Yes, I have pity for the pedestrian, but not for the joggers who insist on jogging on the sidewalk --It's a sidewalk, not a sidejog.