Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Big Belly trash cans go MIA around Tompkins Square Park

As you may have noticed, the city has removed the solar-powered, Big Belly trash cans around Tompkins Square Park. 

The plain ol' trash cans are now back on the corners, such as Seventh Street and Avenue A (above!) and 10th Street and Avenue A...
And Vinny & O shared these photos from 10th Street and Avenue B yesterday ... (that one outside Sheen Brothers seemed to be chronically full or on the fritz) ...
The Big Belly trash cans arrived here in July 2017 as part of the city's $32-million plan to combat vermin in rat-popular neighborhoods, like this one.

The Daily News previously reported that each can costs $7,000. Not sure how effective they are/were with trash piled atop the pricy cans (here and here, for example) or being out of order (here and here, for example).

The Big Belly receptacles remain inside Tompkins Square Park...


Anonymous said...

Those things were terrible they always were jammed up with garbage when ever I tried to pull the handle to open the trash receiving bin. There was usually garbage piled on top of it and on the ground around it. It also usually would not open and the handle was often slimy with some kind of liquid on it which made you not to want to touch it at all.

Anonymous said...

Thank god! Keep them moving.
I hope somebody lost their (incompetence) job over those.

kj said...

A couple of weeks ago the can right outside Ralph's ices had no front to it? The garbage was stacked inside threatening to topple over because the whole entire front of the garbage can was gone. I have to stress that this was a three-sided garbage can at this point. I had never seen that before and would love to know how it happened. It must have been a rat free-for-all at night.

Anonymous said...

why do we bother when we put plastic bags full of garbage on the curb up and down every street and avenue 3 times a week? the rats never lack for a meal.

Anonymous said...

There was nothing wrong with the Big Bellies, but they weren't emptied or maintained often enough, so they failed. This is why we can't have nice things. Sigh.

Now there are open plastic garbage bags hanging on the fences in and around the park to handle the amount of trash. Parks and Sanitation need to address this.

Anonymous said...

The photo of the truck belonging to Interior Foliage Design is a company that specializes in plant rental and plant settings for interiors and exteriors.

Per their listing they serve the NYC Tri-State area, Boston, the East Coast, the Hamptons and Westchester (take note, it's not Upstate NY). That's a vast area for a local business coming out of Queens.

Anonymous said...

Good riddance - what a WASTE of money. The city could of taken that money and used it to hire people to clean up our neighborhood - instead we reside with constant trash and rats. I also blame the poorly run sanitation dept

Anonymous said...

The EV was so much cleaner during the height of the pandemic when tourists and other "invaders" were absent from our beautiful community. But now the late night bar crowd from all points have once again converged on our neighborhood....creating the problems all over again.

LPIFLY said...
