Wednesday, September 30, 2015

NYPD searching for 2 suspects in armed robbery Monday night at VideoGamesNewYork

[Photo Monday via @Abysswit]

The NYPD is searching for two men they say held up VideoGamesNewYork, 202 E. Sixth St. near Cooper Square, on Monday night.

Here are more details via DNAinfo:

Police said two armed men in their early 20s entered VideoGamesNewYork ... at about 11 p.m. and struck a 32-year-old clerk over the head with a gun before stealing an undetermined amount of cash.

Video surveillance footage released by the NYPD showed the robbers holding an individual at gunpoint and dragging another person on the ground.

The NYPD released this wanted poster...

Anyone with information that could help in the investigation is asked to call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-577-TIPS (8477). You may also submit tips online.

Out and About in the East Village

In this weekly feature, East Village-based photographer James Maher provides us with a quick snapshot of someone who lives and/or works in the East Village.

By James Maher
Name: Matthew (with Vincenzo)
Occupation: Welding, Plumbing, Electrical
Location: 4th Street between A and B
Time: 2 p.m. on Sept. 18

I’ve lived here for 46 or 47 years. I’m from the Lower West Side. I remember all the streets being cobblestone. I remember the Els — the elevated trains. I remember playing hockey on roller skates. I remember playing chicken on bicycles where someone would ride on your shoulders and you’d try to knock each other off — crazy games.

It was alright. It was very family oriented and everything was about the block. The neighborhood was all these different zones. There was Chinatown, which was right below Canal, and right north of Canal became Italian and it went from the East Side all the way to the West Side, up 5th Avenue. It was all factories, tenements, warehouses. Then in the Irish neighborhood that was uptown, there was a small pocket of Italians. We used to go to this one place, Esposito's, to get pork and sausage with my grandfather. It was all gangs. Spanish gangs, Italian gangs, Irish gangs.

My family is Sicilian. I always worked for my uncles and my father. My father had eight brothers and one sister. My mother had eight sisters and two brothers. I grew up doing electrical, plumbing and welding. I got my first job working for two German guys up in Yorkville. I was a child and worked in a furniture factory for 40 cents an hour. I used to go in and make hydrogen glues. I used to make glues in the morning. Let me tell you something, 40 cents an hour when I was 5, 6, 7 8… the coolest sneakers were $4.75. I was doing good.

I was born right after the war. The construction business was booming. They had to build for all these new families. The guys coming back from the war — everybody’s wife was pregnant. There were jobs and there was money in the 1950s. People wanted homes. So I started building all these developments out in Long Island — South Shore, North Shore. My father and his brothers built Levittown. It was a big development. There was no shortage of work.

I moved here because I like being anonymous. After I left the Lower West Side, I moved to Chambers Street. It was beautiful — it was like a big void. Nobody was ever around; nobody lived down there. I mean, there were a few people. Then, all of a sudden, it started getting SoHo-y and I said let me get the fuck out of there, and I came here. I betcha I came here about 1970, something like that.

I’ve lived on this block half the time I’ve been down here. I’ve had some outrageous places. I had this huge fucking place for $210 on 9th Street, where I had two rear apartments converted into one. That was between B and C. I also did artwork and I was painting in there. And I had another place on 9th Street. Wait till you hear this, you’re gonna die. It had three working fireplaces, five rooms, a huge backyard, and I paid $65 a month. Then I had a place right over here, top two windows over there, all the way down. I’ve had beautiful places.

The thing about this neighborhood, when it was supposed to be so terrible, you would walk down the street and see a person. You didn’t even know their name but you frequently passed, and you would say good morning and they would say good morning back. Now you say good morning to people and they look at you like you’ve said something terrible to them. There was a lot of community and a lot of love around here man.

Families may have been poor, they may not have had much, but these kids behaved and they were taught manners. If they saw someone from the neighborhood, some old woman carrying something, these kids would run and help her and not for anything. Their parents taught them. And then again their parents were in and out of jail. I’m happy to say I was able to influence some of them. There were a couple of kids who I turned into plumbers, who ended up getting their licenses. There were a couple kids who I turned into welders.

Where George’s bike shop was [on the block], back then there was a sandwich shop. The cold cuts in the display case were green-blue. Didn’t have a slice of bread in the place. They had milkshakes and all that crap. It was called The Sandwich Shop – did not sell one fucking sandwich ever. It was a coke spot. Down the block was brown bag; down the block from that was silver bag; over here was yellow bag.

You would think that, you take a guy like George, George’s landlord raised his rent two-and-a-half times what its worth. Now he’s got a psychic in there. Every single psychic place I have seen open has been open for 3 months and then from there on out the landlord is trying to get them out for back rent. They know how to work this game. Every single one, and for what? I’ve known George since I’ve lived on the Lower East Side, for 45, 50 years.

I want to tell you something funny: I hated my uncles and my fathers for making me go to work all the time. I wanted to hang out with my buddies, and now I thank God because of what I have learned from them. People don’t even know how to do [this work] anymore. In this area right here and the Lower West Side, all below 14th Street, I’ve converted hundreds, no more than 150 but no less than 100 boilers from coal, to oil, to gas. Some of my uncles were plumbers; some of my uncles were electricians, and I started at a very young age. I started at age where it wasn’t so sophisticated. You wanted your lights to come on at a certain time at night and you jerry-rigged an alarm clock to trip a switch. I remember watching my uncle Jimmy do it for my grandma, having the lights come on outside using an alarm clock. And my uncle Jimmy was a plumber, not an electrician. He got the idea from when we were converting boilers from coal to oil — there were timers on them.

Now what I do is I do electrical, plumbing, and welding. I’ve done work in a lot of buildings. I do emergency work for restaurants. I do any type of emergency job. No job is too small and no job is too big. I do plumbing, anywhere from boiler work, to fixing the drain under a sink, to snaking out clogged pipes, I do electrical, anything from putting in a new service, and I do welding, gates and fences. Come springtime I put all kinds of air conditioners in for people. Come fall I take them out. I put a solar panel in this building on 5th Street.

Listen, I mean it — I don’t care, whatever anyone needs done I can do. I’ve been around all this kind of work for so many years. Now there are all these specialists. You’ve got the air conditioner guy and the guy that does this and this. There were no specialists. A guy did work, people worked, they did that kind of work, from hanging doors to pouring cement. I’m 67 years old. Call me. I have no advertising, no cards. I could use some more work.

James Maher is a fine art and studio photographer based in the East Village. Find his website here.

Closing time: Portraits of 3 newly shuttered storefronts

Photographer Nick McManus is a group portrait artist who works on Impossible Project Polaroids for gallery exhibition here in New York City. This past weekend, he scheduled and shot group portraits of workers at Sounds on St. Mark's Place and Rainbow Music on First Avenue, which closed for good on Sunday. (The Sounds closing date is up in the air still.)

In addition, he visited the original location for Bicycle Habitat on Lafayette, which is closing today. (The shop is consolidating spaces after a large rent increase.)

"I felt it was important to give back to them after so many years of personally enjoying their music and bike services," said McManus, who has been regularly taking these group portraits at business closings.

In each case, he presents the owners with a copy of the portraits — "a physical souvenir of a place they'll miss dearly meant a lot to them."

I asked McManus what the mood was like as these owners were closing up their shops.

At Rainbow Music, owner Bill "Birdman" Kasper "was ready for this to happen. He will be selling CDs on the street in Greenpoint in the near future. The mood was something that could be described in the words of George Harrison, 'All Things Must Pass.'

Over at Bicycle Habitat, the co-owner Charlie McCorkell looked like he would miss his little desk in the back center of a store he's worked out of since 1978. Though they've expanded to four other locations, one of which is on the same block and will consolidate with the other one, the original high-ceilinged wood and iron interior of their original location will be missed as something he spent most of his adult life in and no place would ever equal it. At the moment of the portrait though, the mood was less somber and more work busy as he posed with a staff that knew they had a lot of moving and and clearing ahead of them so that the store would be completely out by [today] when Charlie had to turn over the keys."

You can find more of McManus's work via Instagram.

Get ready for some overnight milling of the streets

The city has posted these advisory notices around... noting work starting "on/about" today through Friday (from 7 p.m. to 6 a.m.).

Per the flyers: "Work scheduled on this project includes the milling of streets in preparation for resurfacing by the NYC Department of Transportation Roadway Repair & Maintenance (RRM) division." (Those early RRM records were pretty good.)

Looks like Avenue C will be taking the brunt of this project, from East Houston to East 20th... and First Avenue just between East 14th Street and East 15th Street. Keep an eye out for the No Parking notices along Avenue C too.

Look at 137 Avenue C now

Been meaning to post photos showing how the renovated (and taller by one floor) 137 Avenue C looks these days now that workers finally removed the plywood from the future retail space.

Streeteasy shows two rentals that have been available here between East Eighth Street and East Ninth Street: Both are three-bedroom units, from $4,995 to $5,395. (Both apartments were de-listed on Friday.)

Here's the pitch via Streeteasy for the second-floor rental:

Featuring a BRAND NEW renovated modern 3 bedroom with 2 full bathroom unit! The apartment boasts hardwood flooring throughout, recessed lighting, stainless steel appliances, dishwasher, in unit washer/dryer, energy efficient CENTRAL HEAT AND A/C with an abundance of great light!!! Call me crazy, but no need to go to the beach for sun, simmer out on your own PRIVATE ROOF DECK with gorgeous East Village park view. Be the first to live in the amazing East Village abode!!!

And two photos from the unit...

The building's ground-floor was previously home to the Sunburnt Cow until April 2014.

[Photo from April 2014]

Previously on EV Grieve:
Renovations in store for 137 Avenue C, home to the Sunburnt Cow

The Sunburnt Cow closes for good at the end of this month

137 Avenue C, hollow on the inside

137 Avenue C — still standing!

137 Avenue C getting its extra floor

Cornerstone Cafe expected to reopen today

Per the sign on the gate, Cornerstone Cafe will reopen today after a closure in recent days for renovations here on Avenue B and East Second Street.

The renovations coincide with a visit by the DOH last Thursday. Inspectors issued 45 violations points, including for the presence of various flies — enough for a temporary closure. (You can access DOH records here.)

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

About community Wi-Fi in the East Village

Via the EVG inbox...

Community Wi-Fi is now available in the East Village. NYC Mesh allows you to split your Internet bill with your neighbor. It gives you backup service when there is no internet, and it connects you with the NYC Mesh network of local websites.

NYC Mesh is owned by the community. There is no monthly fee. You can join by buying an indoor router for $33, or $95 for the powerful directional outdoor router. We have members in the East Village that can help you set it up. If you are not happy, return the router and get your money back.

We currently have public access points at d.b.a. bar, East Third Street between First Avenue and Second Avenue, Marble Cemetery, Clinton Street and Union Square North Plaza.

To learn more about NYC Mesh read our FAQ. To join NYC Mesh fill in the "join" form.

If you want to learn more about this, then there's a meeting tonight at d.b.a., 41 First Ave. between East Second Street and East Third Street.

Someone tagged the 1832 white marble stoop of the Merchant’s House Museum — again

[Image via Facebook]

On Friday evening, the circa-1832 white marble stoop of the Merchant’s House Museum was hit with graffiti.

In July, someone tossed high-staining ink in the same location here on East Fourth Street between the Bowery and Lafayette.

[Image via Merchant's House Museum]

"We are heartbroken, as you can imagine," Margaret Halsey Gardiner, the Museum's executive director, told us via email.

She said that the cost to remove the latest tags will cost the Museum upwards of $4,000.

Moving on — and feeling lucky — after the 2nd Avenue explosion

Yesterday, we posted a Q-and-A with Jennifer Porto, who lived at 125 Second Ave. at the time of the deadly Second Avenue explosion this past March 26. Several apartments in that building sustained substantial damages, include Porto's home of three years.

Today, we talk with another former resident of No. 125, Elizabeth Dimond, who shares her experiences these past six months.

What was your housing situation in the days/weeks immediately after March 26?

I was supposed to move to a studio apartment down the block from my old building on March 30. I had already started boxing things up and then the explosion/fire happened. I didn’t know what to do because I lost all of my possessions, including furniture.

The thought of living in an empty apartment and walking by the explosion site every day was pretty scary, to say the least. I decided to temporarily stay with my boyfriend of two months and then we decided to make it permanent.

Looking back on it all now, it seems absolutely crazy but I can’t imagine my life any other way now.

[Photo courtesy of Elizabeth Dimond]

Where are you living now?

I’m in the West Village.

Do you plan on returning to the East Village?

I spent six amazing years in the East Village and it will always have a special place in my heart. I think it was and still is important for me to be in a new area right now. I feel like I’m starting a new chapter in life and a new neighborhood is a big part of that.

What has been your biggest challenge in rebuilding your life in the past 6 months?

I’m in the design industry and fashion is very important to me. I had an emotional connection to my wardrobe. I spent years curating what was hanging in my closet and to lose it all seemed like I lost a part of myself.

Teaching myself that those things aren’t what make me uniquely me, and leaving them in the past has been a struggle but also an invaluable lesson that I am grateful for. I dealt with a lot of anger in the beginning. I had to buy something like a t-shirt and it would infuriate me. I would think, “Why am I spending money on a t-shirt, I used to have hundreds of t-shirts!” ... but to dwell on it and let anger build up was a pointless exercise. You can’t move forward and rebuild if you’re living in the past.

I’m now at a place where I have accepted what happened, see the good that came out of it, and realize how ridiculously lucky I was to have such an amazing network of friends, family and even complete strangers who helped me through this tough time.

That's one thing that truly amazed me after the explosion. I had casual friends, friends of friends, acquaintances, and strangers reaching out to me to offer up their help and even their homes. I will never forget that.

Also, two people lost their lives in that explosion, so above all else — I recognize that the rest of us are so lucky that we were unharmed.

Previously on EV Grieve:
How displaced residents are faring after the 2nd Avenue gas explosion

Living out of a suitcase 6 months after the 2nd Avenue explosion

And read our interviews with longtime residents of 45 E. Seventh St. Mildred Guy and Diane McLean.

Community meeting tonight to address construction noise at Extell's East 14th Street development sites

The seemingly endless demolition followed by the pile-driving and excavation work on East 14th Street between Avenue A and Avenue B isn't making many neighbors happy…

Some residents are getting together this evening to discuss the situation… flyers have been posted around the site …

[Photo via an EVG reader]

Not sure who will be in attendance this evening at 6:30 at the Dias y Flores Garden on East 13th Street between Avenue A and Avenue B. The flyers say that local elected officials and DOB reps have been invited.

To recap, Extell Development is putting up two 7-floor retail-residential buildings along East 14th Street … 500 E. 14th St. at Avenue A will have 106 residential units … while, further to the east, 524 E. 14th St. will house 44 residential units.

According to the DOB signage on the plywood, January 2017 is the anticipation completion date…

[Rendering of 500 E. 14th St. via RKF]

[Rendering of 524 E. 14th St. via RKF]

Previously on EV Grieve:
The disappearing storefronts of East 14th Street

[Updated with correction] 8-lot parcel of East 14th Street primed for new development

New 7-floor buildings for East 14th Street include 150 residential units

1st activity at 500 E. 14th St. since the demolition phase, and when the standing water froze

Demo time for East 13th Street garages that will yield to luxury condos

Construction of the incoming condos Thirteen East + West entered the next phase yesterday … as workers started to erect the sidewalk bridge at 436 and 442 E. 13th St. between Avenue A and First Avenue …

The two garages that were sold earlier this year on this block will be demolished to make way for six-story buildings that will house floor-though condos. The penthouses at each building will have their own private garages and roof decks. Pricing will start at $2.3 million; $3.4 million for the penthouses via celebrity broker Ryan Serhant.

[Rendering via Instagram]

Back in June, the developers unveiled the luxury condos with a street-art competition that saw murals go up on the soon-to-be-demolished structures. The mural theme: transience. According to the news release announcing the competition: "Buildings go up, buildings come down and art too is victim to the vicissitudes of time."

Previously on EV Grieve:
Tracking the coming changes to East 13th Street between Avenue A and 1st Avenue

A look at the new luxury condos coming soon to East 13th Street

Temporary art and future condos on East 13th Street

Flyer campaign accuses landlord of driving nice car, not making repairs in apartments

Someone has created a flyer campaign about Citadel Property Management Corp., whose office is on East 13th Street between Avenue A and Avenue B…

Per the flyers, which are along Avenue A between East 13th Street and East 14th Street, the president of the company drives a nice car… while some (or one?) of the units at 513 E. 13th St. is in need of repairs (hard to tell from the black-and-white photocopies…).

According to the New York City Department of Housing Preservation and Development, there are several new complaints (from the same unit) at No. 513 about broken windows, peeling plaster and a roach infestation, among other things.

Citadel's East Village rentals also include 239 E. 14th St., 208 E. 13th St., and 533 E. 13th St., according to Streeteasy.

Updated 10-1

Michael Crespo responds in the comments...

Updated: Because East Village Cheese is really supposed to open today

That's the word from about 10 different people who walked by the Cheese Shop's new storefront yesterday at 80 E. Seventh St. between First Avenue and Second Avenue … workers on the scene confirmed the opening today … we also heard something about free cheese samples…

Workers originally told passersby that the space would be open last Friday…

Photos yesterday by Sam Teichman

Updated 12:21

The shop is open...

[Photo by Steven]

A photo posted by giligetz (@giligetz) on


Monday, September 28, 2015

Report: Murder conviction for man who beat grandfather to death on East 6th Street

[Photo from 2006 via CBS 2]

In May 2014, 68-year-old Wen Hui Ruan died from the injuries he sustained in a vicious assault on East Sixth Street between Avenue C and Avenue D.

In the days that followed, police arrested 20-year-old Jamie Pugh, who was charged with second-degree murder, robbery and assault. His mother claimed at the time that someone slipped him the club drug Molly. As DNAinfo reported, "Pugh didn’t even know about the attack until one of his friends showed him the chilling surveillance footage over the weekend and said the attacker looked like him."

[Photo of Jamie Pugh from May 2014 by Frank Franca]

According to BoweryBoogie today, a jury last week found Pugh guilty of second-degree murder … and he could conceivably receive 25-to-life when sentenced on Oct. 22. DNAinfo has comments from Pugh's attorney here.

Ruan, a retired garment worker who lived on Avenue C and East Seventh Street with his wife, had just dropped off his granddaughters when the attack occurred.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Report: East Village resident dies from injuries sustained in brutal attack

[UPDATED] Reward for info on East 6th Street assault; plus video of the attack

[Updated] Family mourns Ruan Wen Hui as police hunt suspect in deadly assault on E. 6th St.

[Updated] Report: Murder suspect's mother says her son was high on Molly at the time of attack

Report: Family of Ruan Wen Hui wants hate crime charges brought against suspect

Living out of a suitcase 6 months after the 2nd Avenue explosion

Six months after the deadly explosion wiped out the northwest corner of Second Avenue and East Seventh Street, Jennifer Porto still finds herself without a permanent home.

She had been living at 125 Second Ave. the past three years. While the blast and fire destroyed three buildings — 45 East Seventh St. (119 Second Ave.), 121 Second Ave. and 123 Second Ave., 15 units in total — several apartments next door at No. 125 also received substantial damage, include Porto's. She lost most of her possessions. Porto says that her apartment remains under renovation ... and she hopes to return.

As for the explosion, authorities have said that siphoned gas at Sushi Park at 121 Second Ave. may have been to blame for the explosion, which killed Moises Ismael Locón Yac and Nicholas Figueroa, and injured two dozen other people. The investigation continues.

On the 6-month anniversary of the explosion, we spoke with two residents who were displaced from 125 Second Ave. (Look for Part 2 tomorrow.) Here's more from Porto:

What was your housing situation in the days/weeks immediately after March 26?

Luckily, I was able to take advantage of the three-day stay that was being offered at the Standard East Village. Their generosity in those first couple of days is beyond anything I could have expected.

For the days/weeks immediately after I bounced from hotels to friends' apartments. I was amazed at how many people offered their couches and apartments. It was an overwhelming time but people were extremely generous and I am forever grateful for that.

Where are you now?

I'm more permanently in the Bronx, but I also continue to bounce from place-to-place when staying in Manhattan. I feel so guilty asking to stay with friends and never want to be a burden. I'm lucky to have some amazing people in my life who graciously offer me their apartments when they go out of town or don't kick me out after I have been staying with them for a while.

Do you plan on returning to the East Village?

I would love to return to the East Village. When I first moved to NYC I was living on the Upper West Side. It wasn't until I moved down to the East Village that I really felt like I was home. This neighborhood is my favorite and I truly can't imagine being anywhere else.

What has been your biggest challenge in rebuilding your life in the past six months?

In the first couple of weeks I was still in shock. I could not believe that this had happened. But I tried to keep things in perspective. Things could have been far worse. And for the most part I have maintained a positive attitude.

There are still days where I'm reminded of an item I lost in the fire, a memory from my apartment, and I have a hard time. There are days when the last six months have felt like a lifetime ago and other days when it feels like just yesterday I was watching it on the news at work.

I'd say the hardest thing for me is not having a sense of stability. I'm living out of suitcases and don't have a place to call my own. Once I am back in my apartment I can really start to rebuild my life and, hopefully, get back to normal. With that said this challenge has taught me a lot about myself. I've learned that I am a lot stronger than I give myself credit for and can handle things in any situation.

I want to reiterate how generous people were during this time. Family, friends, co-workers and even complete strangers. I wish I could find them all to personally thank them. They have moved me more than I can say and I will forever be grateful for how generous everyone has been as I rebuild, and start over.

[Photo courtesy of Jennifer Porto]

Previously on EV Grieve:
How displaced residents are faring after the 2nd Avenue gas explosion

And read our interviews with longtime residents of 45 E. Seventh St. Mildred Guy and Diane McLean.

Blink, and there will soon be a gym at 98-100 Avenue A

[EVG photo from Friday evening]

The gym rumor for 98-100 Avenue A is true: Blink Fitness is opening a 12,000-square-foot facility here between East Sixth Street and East Seventh Street later next year, DNAinfo first reported last week.

Here's part of Blink's news release (H/T BoweryBoogie) about what will be their 11th Manhattan location:

Blink saw an opportunity to provide the area with an affordable, premium-quality fitness option for local residents. At 12,000 sq. ft., guests can expect to find top-of-the-line cardio and strength equipment and full service locker rooms, along with a crew of knowledgeable and friendly staff and personal trainers.

The club’s primary goal is to create a unique member experience through its Feel Good Experience™. This includes respectful and friendly staff, a bright and open gym using colors that are scientifically proven to enhance mood, an everybody cleans philosophy that ensures a spotless facility, and music to motivate members! Memberships in NYC are only $25 per month.

Blink, the no-frills sibling in the Equinox family, opened its first location around here in 2012 on the second floor of the former Tower Records. (The Blink entrance is on East Fourth Street between Broadway and Lafayette.)

Equinox already reportedly inked a deal to lease two floors of 98-100 landlord Ben Shaoul's incoming development on East Houston and Orchard.

As for 98-100 Avenue A, the crew seems to be working double time of late. The condo residences (33 in total) are up to the seventh floor. There are DOB permits showing a 6-floor and 8-floor building while the rendering shows seven floors.

So maybe it will end up at 9 floors.

Previously on EV Grieve:
A little bit of Hollywood on Avenue A

Inside the abandoned theater at East Village Farms on Avenue A

New Facebook group is advocating for a Trader Joe's on Avenue A

Workers back demolishing what's left of 98-100 Avenue A

Rest assured, there isn't a fire in the hole at 98-100 Avenue A

Ben Shaoul's 98-100 Avenue A emerging from the dewatering hole

Life next to 98-100 Avenue A

Condos at Ben Shaoul's 98-100 Avenue A will start at $1.3 million; high-end gym eyed for retail space

A new mural and beer store on 2nd Avenue and East 6th Street

[Photo Friday by Derek Berg]

Billy the Artist started a new mural on the northeast corner of Second Avenue and Sixth Street on Friday...alongside the former Spice space...

[Photo Saturday by Steven]

A business called Lions BeerStore is in the works here, per the sign on the gate.

[Photo by Vinny & O]

The website advertised takes you to a store that "is the brand name for combining high end beers, casual dining and bistro style." There is currently another location in the Greek port city of Thessaloniki.

As we understand it, the store will sell beer to go... as well as offer room inside for draft beers and food. Passersby have reported people out front collecting signatures .. ahead of October's CB3/SLA committee meeting.

And here's the look at the final mural yesterday...

[Photo Saturday by Steven]

And we hear that two of the panels are already missing since Saturday night...


Reader report: Reporting excessive Airbnb worked

An EVG reader shared the following with us about his or her apartment building:

Our building was pretty much an illegal hotel all summer. Large, loud groups of international travelers ... parties nightly, suitcases banging up and down the stairs, people buzzing all apartments when they couldn't find the front-door key, and last but definitely not least, four apartments with bedbugs.

So, hoping 311 would be helpful for a change, several of us called in the situation. The first resident was evicted [late last week].

Lesson learned; You do not have to put up with this kind of intrusion on your living space.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

[Updated] Where you can (hopefully) view the super blood moon tonight

Let's just cut-and-paste this explanation from The New York Times:

A rare astronomical phenomenon Sunday night will produce a moon that will appear slightly bigger than usual and have a reddish hue, an event known as a super blood moon.

It’s a combination of curiosities that hasn’t happened since 1982... A so-called supermoon, which occurs when the moon is closest to earth in its orbit, will coincide with a lunar eclipse, leaving the moon in Earth’s shadow. Individually, the two phenomena are not uncommon, but they do not align often.

For these kinds of events, we usually look to local astronomy buff Felton Davis of Maryhouse, who sets up his telescope in strategic points in the neighborhood. However, he is out of town at the moment... in his absence, EV resident Danielle Baskin along with her friend Maya Eilam and Joanne Kennedy from the Maryhouse are operating the telescope. Felton has trained them how to set up the gear ... so if the weather cooperates, then East Village residents can still view the spectacle.

Danielle and company will be by the Second Avenue F station (Second Avenue and East Houston) from 7 p.m. onward. The eclipse should reach totality at around 10:45 p.m.

Keep in mind that this moon won't happen again until 2033, the same time when work is expected to be complete at the Astor Place Reconstruction Project

Image via the U.S. Naval Observatory

Updated 9-28

A good number of people turned out that evening to take in the super blood moon here on Second Avenue between East First Street and Houston…

[Photo via Danielle Baskin]


As always, there's likely a good explanation for this scene here on East Ninth Street near First Avenue...

Photo via Goggla

Week in Grieview

[Photo outside Enz's on 2nd Avenue by Derek Berg]

Closing time for Sounds on St. Mark's Place (Monday)

Dusty Buttons has a new home on East Ninth Street (Wednesday)

Chef Wylie Dufresne's former Alder space for rent on Second Avenue (Tuesday)

Out and About with Eva Dorsey, co-owner of Jane’s Exchange (Wednesday)

Streecha Ukrainian Kitchen back open after summer hiatus (Friday)

Brookhill Properties launches chocolate offensive (Wednesday)

Newly installed traffic island disappears on Third Avenue at St. Mark's Place (Friday, 27 comments)

A visit to Clash City Tattoo (Tuesday)

Allied Hardware makes impending closure official on Second Avenue (Tuesday)

Avenue A Copy Center is now open (on Avenue A) (Tuesday)

The former Peter Stuyvesant Post Office continues slow march toward demolition (Monday)

10 Degrees Bistro won't be reopening on Avenue A (Friday)

Spot trying the same spot for another dessert concept (Tuesday)

That's it for the Nite Owl (Thursday)

Some walls for Mother of Pearl (Thursday)

A new mural for Seventh and Avenue B (Monday)

Juice Press is up to something on East First Street (Monday)

For lease signs arrive on the former Belgian Room and Hop Devil Grill spaces (Friday)

Construction watch: 95 Avenue B (Thursday)

Renovations and more floors for 356 E. Eighth St. (Monday)

Condo conversion or single-family home among the possibilities for 35 E. Seventh St. (Monday)

On the market: 120 E. 10th St., a single-family home or triplex with income (Thursday)

Pizza Rat (Monday)

... and a scene from a wedding yesterday around Tompkins Square Park...

[Photo by Derek Berg]

Martha Cooper's Kids of the Lower East Side

[Image from MacNeil/Lehrer Newshour report]

An exhibition called "Kids" continues through Oct. 4 at the Dorian Grey Galley on East Ninth Street.

There are two artists with works featured — photographer Martha Cooper's Street Play and sculptor John Ahearn's Walton Avenue life casts. (The exhibit has been up since Sept. 10 — I only just had the chance to see it.)

I'm particularly interested in Cooper's work. Here's more about her via Dorian Grey:

From 1977-1980 Martha Cooper was a staff photographer on the New York Post. On her way back to the paper at the end of the day, she began driving through Alphabet City on the Lower East Side, looking for photos to use up the leftover film in her cameras.

Her shots captured streets filled with freely roaming children immersed in creative play. These photos have been called some of the most exuberant and memorable photographic depictions of youth and ultimately lead to her documentation of graffiti and emerging hip hop.

There's a 6-minute documentary – originally produced for MacNeil/Lehrer Newshour in 1984 — showing Cooper at work in the neighborhood... You can watch it at Vimeo here.

The Dorian Grey Gallery is at 437 E. Ninth St. between Avenue A and First Avenue. Gallery hours: Tuesday – Saturday noon-7 p.m., Sunday, noon-6 p.m.