Juuuuuuuuuust a reminder (how could anyone forget???) that the annual MulchFest/Tree-Cycle is this weekend in Tompkins Square Park ... Saturday (tomorrow!) and Sunday (the day after tomorrow!), 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Per the Parks Depo:
Join the NYC Parks, the New York City Department of Sanitation, and GreeNYC to recycle your Christmas trees into wood chips. These wood chips are used to nourish trees and plants on streets and gardens citywide. Or, take home your very own bag of mulch to use in your backyard or to make a winter bed for a street tree. More than 30,000 trees were recycled last year. Help us top this number!
Tompkins Square Park is an official chipping site. Back to the Parks Depo: "Watch your tree get chipped in front of you, and get a free bag of mulch to take home for your plantings!"
Will we actually get to take the remains of our tree home with us? Or will they just give us a random bag of mulch?
If you don't want to watch your tree get mulched, just leave it outside the Park...

Also! The Department of Sanitation "will collect and compost clean Christmas trees left at the curb" through Jan. 14. (The trees left curbside are also allegedly chipped, mixed with leaves, and recycled into compost for NYC's parks, institutions and community gardens.) Don't forget to remove all lights, ornaments, stands, beer cans and plastic bags from the trees left at the curb.
To prepare, why not enjoy watching the world's finest collection of Mulchfest videos:
"It was loved intensely for one night.. then cast aside."
That one on the corner was buying weed.
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