Several hundred protestors joined local elected officials and other community leaders tonight in Tompkins Square Park "to stand together" against the Trump Administration's executive order on travel restrictions targeting seven Muslim-majority nations and Syrian refugees.
EVG contributor Stacie Joy shared these photos from the rally. (amNY has a recap here.)
The event was organized by City Council member Rosie Mendez...

Among the more than a dozen speakers were Public Advocate Letitia James ...

... Manhattan Borough President Gale Brewer...

...and Debbie Almontaser, board president of the Muslim Network ...

And in the crowd...

This was the latest rally in the city to protest President Trump's ban.
great turn out! I froze for three hours but worth it!
All the clever slogans, signs, sculptures, speeches and still the Dems could not put their candidate in office. You want someone to yell at and blame for your reality of disappointment, fear and anxiety? Then blame your leadership. The leadership of the Democratic Party failed in their quest and thus they failed you as well. They failed to recognize that there are American voices outside of the cities such as NY, LA and SF. They failed to hear what those people were saying. Why did they fail? Because they refused, in their arrogance, to recognize what was going on in America. They failed to recognize what a flawed candidate they were supporting or forced to support by the corrupt influence peddling politicians at the top of the leadership chain. Now they are crying....we won the popular vote. Well, they had 8 years of doing nothing after a similar situation of Bush vs Gore. Did they do anything? NO. They had 8 more years under Obama, in a more friendly environment, to change the laws again. But again, they did nothing. Because they believed, falsely, that they had their finger on the pulse of the people and that a woman candidate could not fail. But fail she did, as miserably as anyone could fail. Now you raise your voices. Now you understand that the people you look up to and support failed you. Dump Trump? Dump your own leadership first and get some leaders in who care, who will fight for you and your children. Leaders who won't be complacent or arrogant. Support new leadership that does not come out of the Washington Quagmire of aides and adjuncts and deputies of departments run into the ground over the last thirty years of inept, clueless, and mindless morons with no vision for the future.
Trump is just Bannon's puppet.
So much empty moral posturing.
Did I miss the mass protests and hysteria when Obama did this ?
Oh, that's right... none of you cared when he did it, if you even knew about it in the 1st place.
I don't know what you're talking about but that's because I don't understand alternate facts from fake news -- what does this have to do with Obama? Nothing. Obama's hands are 100% clean. To the whatever extent the Obama administration carried forward the policies of the previous administration that will not be named he had perfectly good reasons and only the America people's best interests at heart. Was it wrong to invade a sovereign country that didn't attack us, Iraq? You bet! Was it wrong to stage a coup in the Ukraine, destroy Libya and give weapons and other assistance to the very terrorist groups we have to take our belts off at the airport for in order to destroy Syria? No. That's different. Nixon bugged an office -- totally wrong and bring it up every freakin' chance we can to show the depths of evil that the Rethuglicans represent. Obama bugged the entire country and that's cool because he gets lonely sometimes and just wants to hear our voices. Don't you get it?
Caleo, I'm asking you nicely to get off the wrong side of history. I don't want to see you end up on Obama's Tuesday Drone Hit List. Because when Obama engages in extrajudicial killing of Americans I stand by him and believe in him and they probably deserved it anyhow. Why are you so racist and filled with hate?
@Caleo There's an element of truth in what you're saying. All of a sudden foreign wars are going to be a problem again, but they were fine under the cool guy who won the Peace Prize. The actions of the Clinton State Department were fine as it wasn't our kids being sent back to face death squads. The hypocrisy and incompetent realpolitik of the center right has led directly to this mess.
However there are significant differences between Obama's visa freeze and Trumps Muslim ban. You can go into the weeds yourself if you want to venture outside of your bubble but I'll mention the overall tone of Trumps' actions. Hate crimes didn't spike under Obama when they implemented the visa freeze. Border guards at the airports didn't feel empowered to lock people up on their own decisions, even when there were nuances in Trumps' order that should have protected those in transit. Every racist bully in the country with and without a badge now feels like the President has their back. And they're not wrong.
Everyone paying attention correctly sees Trumps' order as a trial balloon for deporting undocumented immigrants and an executive action deputizing every gun nut in the southwest to demand papers from anyone not white or wearing a Trump hat at the point of a gun. Which will be illegal when or if it happens. There's a stress test coming in this country over the rule of law, and as everyone has seen that movie already, all sides are reacting accordingly.
Which Side Are You On?
Yeah, no. The Democrats aren't doing this; the Republicans are. Republicans are 100% responsible. Sorry if it's really fucking painful for you to have to recognize just how shitty the character of your party's power base is, but sooner or later you're going to have to deal with it, and then you'll feel better.
Just because you're not a Democrat, it does not mean you're a Reublican.
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