As the Washington Square News reports, "The cost to live in many NYU dorms will increase next year — and at the same time, rental prices around the city are dropping rapidly."
The article goes on to discuss the Real Estate Group’s Manhattan Rental Market Report. And what does all this mean...? Simple. Let's go back to the article.
Because of lowered prices, more students have begun to use the Off-Campus Housing Office’s housing registry to look for apartments or a roommate.
“Many students are doing more comparative shopping and are evaluating the benefits of off-campus housing versus on-campus housing,” said Jennifer Brown, assistant vice president of Housing and Strategic Planning. “Most notable in the outside market is the increase in availability of the smaller types of accommodations such as studios and one-bedroom apartments.”
Despite fees such as security deposits and utilities, many students still find it beneficial to move off campus.
“I’m going abroad, but when I get back, I’m moving off-campus, hopefully the East Village, because you can find comparable prices to NYU,” CAS junior Joe Haldeman said. “If you can get the same price for something you would have to share at NYU, why not?”
Why not? Hmm. We must start a list...
It irritates me that working people and families need to compete for living space with students. The city should have kicked NYU out of Manhattan years ago.
I'm not sure I agree that NYU should've been kicked out, those kids spend a lot of money and support local businesses. My question is why do all of these 17-22 year old college kids think that they are too good for the dorms?
I have good friends who saw their building open up to NYU students... and it has become a endless parade of guests ("All my friends from Shaker Heights are in town for the long weekend...and they're staying here!") ... parties ... walking around in clikety-klackity heels at all hours... No surprise, the students are just oblivious to everyone in the building.
NYU Students in the Village mostly patron the bars on MacDougal...then shout, puke and scream all night long..how pleasant
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