We stopped by during the weekend to pay our respects...
The Graffiti Friend of EV Grieve (GFOEVG) figures the wall will be tagged again soon... despite the presence of the video cameras, which may or may not even work...
Meanwhile, EV Grieve reader Kim was walking by when the anti-graffiti team arrived on the scene...

...and snapped this one last photo...

Previously on EV Grieve:
Brownout: Verizon building graffiti painted over
I live right across the street. Was completely depressed to see it painted over. There was this really cool cupcake someone drew...
BOO. Boo Graffiti Free NYC. Free Graffiti NYC!
OMG, how i would love to see that Graffiti Free NYC truck tagged!
So, let's say i was walking down that block and happened to joyously throw my jacket in the air (because it's Spring) and it happened to catch on the security camera and cover it, how long do you think it would stay there? Long enough for more great street art to go up on the wall?
Oh damn, you posted up the cupcake picture... Missed that last post
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