He told Shawn that the T-shirt(s) will be part of an exhibit opening tonight titled Who's on Deck?
Per the Sacred Gallery website:
Who's on Deck? A Graffed out skate deck art show. Two NY street artists take old skateboard decks which have been ridden on the streets of NYC & left discarded and bring them back to life for all to see. There will also be a small photographic exhibition from Erica Reade. Exhibition opens Friday 8-11pm
The exhibit will be up through June at the Sacred Gallery NYC, 424 Broadway (second floor) between Canal and Howard.
You're being too kind to him by using his "other" graffiti name, LA 11.
This is the infamous LaRoc, who defaced Kiss and Joe Strummer among many, many, many, many, other surfaces last spring.
Maybe if he says he's sorry...? An apology would be nice. He should go do the touch up work on Kiss himself, since it was his tag that started all the others, so that now it's just sad.
Not forgiven, nope.
1. I made a short video on why Angel tagged the neighborhood recently.
2. Keep in mind haters will tag his name to smear him and frame him.
3. Angel did a lengthy prison term for the tagging he did do, so he paid his dues.
Shawn - In the video you made LAROC says that he tags buildings because new guys are doing it and he has to let them know that he's the 'king of kings' and he's being tagging buildings for decades. Are you saying that he is justified in doing that ?
tagging is stupid. the only one who ever did it well was neckface.
It really irks me whenever someone who basically just knows how to work a spraycan tries to cash in as an artist when the ones who-don't-know-better in the art community will label anything that's 'street' or edgy as 'art' these days. That shirt looks wack!! Thanks for that Kiss tidbit. Definitely not getting my support.
Shawn - Maybe if you were a super that had to deal with graffiti on a regular basis you wouldn't be propping up this self crowned king of kings. Your video says it all - his tags are no more than what his dog does by lifting his leg and peeing.
Shawn, I'm really skeptical about #2. The whole point of tagging is getting one's name out there and be noticed. So why would any tagger waste their time putting a competitor's tag out there when all it'll accomplishes is ultimately give the other tagger more exposure, regardless of whether it's negative or positive? When instead, they can use their precious window of time to further themselves. Also, I don't think any tagger would take the risk of getting caught tagging someone else's tag, regardless of the reasoning behind it. That would ruin all the credibility that tagger has and will have. At the risk of sounding cliche, street-cred is everything ...
#2 sounds like a sad excuse to evade admittance to his bad chicken scratches around town.
LAII is a genius artist from Loisaida..a/k/a Alphabet City..a/k/a No Man's Land..his turf is here..way before Starf008cks or whatever.
Melanie Neichin
I like those shirts. I get that he is ABC born and bred. I also read that he was despondent over a death or divorce or some such personal tragedy when he went tagging every 20 feet last year. That's not an apology, just excuses. Prison removed him from the community directly effected, he's done nothing to get his cred back here, in the alphabet. Go out with a bucket and soap, maybe then we'll consider forgiveness.
Haters hate and lovers love. Dig yourselves. Have a great weekend Grieve.
LAII is a genius and you are not. Jealousy, envy and hate rule your lives. Get another $18 martini and you'll be okay again.
LAII LAROC Angel Ortiz has collaborators you know. I was walking down Clinton St. and peered into the Skateboard/tee shirt shop there because I saw tee shirt art that seemed very familiar and was told this. Great tee shirt and well worth $30.00 if ya can afford it..much nicer than the Marc Jacobs for $660.00 and change.
Melanie Neichin
If people like LAROC's legitimate art work then great but as of late he's been know for defacing buildings rather than creating art.
Au contraire anon 6:08PM...
re: anon 7:14PM. Oh really ? He was arrested times last year & went to jail. he was arrested again in November after he went to jail. I dount the average perosn knows any of his art work, just "LAROC" tagged on buildings, newspaper boxes and any open space he can find. He's a menace & needs to grow up. He's almost 50.
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